제 1장

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Serenella Academy, a large school for men and women in the big city of Seoul. Surrounded by emerald-colored hedges and marble statues specifically placed courtyard, Serenella is its own wonder of the world.

Seunghwa strides to her seat next to Hyesung and Jungkook, as she shows Hyesung the 5000 won she had to pay back.

"Special delivery," says Seunghwa, as she passes the money to Hyesung. Seunghwa opens her lunch which contains a bowl of rice, kimchi, and some gim. She uses her wooden chopsticks to eat the food together, as Hyesung talks.

"Order at the table," Hyesung says, as she tucks in a piece of her raven-black hair on her ear. "Halloween is near, and that means costumes. No more candy because Jungkook had a sugar-high all night long, and dealing with that would be a huge pain," she begins.

"Tell Bora that she shouldn't put so much candy in the bowl at this year's party," he tells her.

"There's a specific reason on why the label on the bowl said take two pieces," said Hyesung, rolling her eyes. Seunghwa gave small giggles at her two friends.

Seunghwa had became friends with Hyesung after they both were the only kids playing at the swings, and not the playset or monkey bars during recess. They would chat as they swung up and down, Seunghwa closing her eyes to pretend that she was on a roller coaster.

Hyesung introduced Seunghwa to Jungkook, in which she automatically fell in love with. Maybe it was his sweet smile or that she had a thing for people that know taekwondo, but she wanted to become friends as quickly as she could.

As Seunghwa got older, she noticed how Jungkook and Hyesung had more of a close relationship, as she taught herself to admire it. Seunghwa still had a crush on Jungkook, nonetheless.

"Second, Areum and Eunji said that..." Hyesung started, as Areum came to our table with an excited grin flashing on her face.

"Guys!" Areum exclaims. Areum has short black hair, with straight bangs covering her forehead. She often wears makeup everyday, but it seems that she did a little bit more than planned today. She wore a cute casual dress with a soft, frilly lace at the hem. A light pink hairband topped it all off, with a pair of flats.

"What now, little Areum?" Jungkook teases because of her small size. "Did you lose your brother, Jimin, somewhere again? Don't worry, just keep your head downwards and you'll find him someday," he jokes.

"Surprisingly, it's not about pesky Jimin, but a new guy," she says. "Well, maybe not a new guy," cocking an eyebrow, "more of a returning junior."

"Did Mark come back?" Seunghwa asks. "I hoped that homeschooling wouldn't work that much for him. I thought he wouldn't last a single day without Jin-young."

"Nope, instead, Kim Taehyung."

I was certainly confused, not knowing the name. Hyesung had an open mouth, as Jungkook took his hand to shut her mouth for her.

"Taehyung? Kim Taehyung?" She says with disbelief. "That troublemaker is coming back?"

Areum nods her head quickly, making Seunghwa think that her neck might break from all the force.

"Who's Kim Taehyung? Other than he's a troublemaker and Hyesung seems to know him," says Seunghwa, feeling slightly clueless in the conversation.

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