제 4장

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"Another article," Seunghwa mumbled to Hyesung, as she was scrolling on her phone. "When does this boy stop?"

"I think he enjoys making a ruckus out of his life," Hyesung said, lifted the coffee to her lips. She took a soft sip, as she set it back down. "How could he be so ignorant, but yet so irrestible?"

"Hyesung, you're so dramatic," Seunghwa told her friend. "Have you truly had a solid conversation with him yet?"

"Well, I asked Areum, and she asked Jimin, and Jimin asked Yoongi, and Yoongi asked Yoona, and Yoona asked her big brother, and her big brother asked one of his classmates, and his classmate knows Taehyung's cousin, and Taehyung's cousin gave his phone number, so I texted him."

Seunghwa had her mouth open the whole time. "I still don't understand how you can memorize all of that."

"It's a talent," she said, as she unlocked her phone with her fingerprint. "See?" She said, showing Seunghwa their chat.

"All it says is 'Hi' from both of you guys. How is that exciting?"

"He's just being a little tough in the beginning. You have to know these kinds of things."

Seunghwa was still confused, but her friend was more wise in social ways, so she took her advice.


The two girls exited the coffee shop, as Hyesung slid on her hat for some shade under the sun. There was a strong difference in the girls' styles.

Hyesung would be as color-coded as possible. She chose usually one or two colors, and picked as many different shades of those two colors to accessorize her outfit.

Seungwha simply found a plain t-shirt, some jeans or sweatpants, and a pair of black converse. She didn't like to spend much time on her appearance, and would rather spend her time surfing the Internet instead.

As the two girls were walking, a slight breeze was occurring, as Hyesung's hat flew off in the opposing direction. As soon as it happened, Hyesung let out a small gasp, as she turned, seeing the hat smoothly flowing in the same direction of the wind.

"My hat!" She said, as she went to chase after it as soon as the words escaped her mouth. Luckily for Hyesung, she was fairly good at track in middle school, so she was close behind the hat.

Seunghwa ran to follow her friend, but wasn't as fast as Hyesung. "Wait up," Hyesung said, as the wind was slowly decreasing.

"You caught it," Seunghwa said, as she saw the hat in her friend's hat, except Hyesung was frozen. "Hyesung?" She asked, as she looked at where her friend was staring.

Kim Taehyung, for the whole world to clearly see. Seunghwa gave a small gulp, as Hyesung was gathering out her strong confidence.

"Hey," Hyesung said to Taehyung, giving him a warm smile. She gave him a quick wave.

"Hey," said Taehyung, giving a small salute with his two fingers.

The two continued to talk; but Seunghwa was blanked out. One of the worst things was meeting a classmate out of class, especially someone you don't like. Why can't they only meet during class?

As Taehyung spoke to Hyesung, he then looked at the girl next to her. She was looking at the ground, tapping her foot on the concrete of the sidewalk. As her head was bent down, he could make out her face even though her hair was covering it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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