Chapter 1

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As a young child I was warned of the creatures that live outside the fence, just like every other little boy and girl. We were told stories to keep us from going outside the fence. A long time ago the town’s leader, Geraldo Danker, came up with the idea of the fence. There was a vote so the people could decide if the fence would be the best course of action for the town. It was then decided the fence would go up. The stories of the beasts always gave me nightmares of being dragged under the fence and being eaten by the terrifying creatures. As I got older the beast stories became less scary and more… intriguing. I begged my father to teach me to hunt, so that I could fend for myself. At first he said no because I was his little girl, so I begged him every day until he said yes. I was taught to shoot a bow, skin animals, wield a dagger, and gut fish. My father also taught me how to kindle a fire so I could cook my catch.

When I turned eleven I began hunting on my own, but never outside the fence. The fence surrounds a bit of the forest and our little town of Gwenivitch. If it wasn’t for the small amount of forest within the fence we wouldn’t have food to eat, although there isn’t much wild life within the fence, only little things like rabbits, birds and squirrels. A river runs at the edge of town where I catch my fish. Occasionally I got payment for my fish. I always gave it to my father.

One day when I was fishing I heard something on the other side of the fence. I called out a curious hello, but then something ran into the fence and began to scratch at it violently. I ran back into town leaving my fishing gear behind. When I told my father what happened he went to the river while I waited at home. After he came back with my gear he told me whatever it was had left. I had a hard time sleeping that night, partly from the fear, but mainly from the curiosity. What was on the other side of the fence?

Now I am seventeen years old and I have made it my mission to go outside the fence. Once when I was young, a narrow minded bigot said a silly child like me could never survive outside the fence. Even with the insults and the warnings I still wanted to do it and see if the stories are real or just fairytales. Tonight when the town has fallen asleep I am going to sneak out. I have grown tired of being confined here. I hate that I feel trapped. With the skills I have learned I will be fine on my own. I pack a fire starter, my bow and arrows, a dagger, sleeping roll, fishing rod, an extra change of clothes, and my lucky talisman. The talisman is a pair of arrows crossed in a wooden circle to make an X.

I step outside into the cool night air. The moon is high in the sky, shining bright. I know the town is asleep because everything seems so placid. I made it to the main gate without a problem. I slipped out as quiet as possible. Once I am outside the fence I feel overwhelmed. Nothing is really different, but I feel free. I proceeded forward and deeper into the unknown.

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