Chapter 4

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            Noah sent the kids out to gather some berries from nearby bushes while he cleaned up the house. I stayed and help him out with the cleaning. There was a slight chill coming in through the open door. The sound of the children giggling drifts through the door. “It sounds like the gathering is going well.” I say as I fold up a blanket. Noah looks toward the door and shakes his head with a smile. “It’s a mystery how those kids can go from being at each other’s throats one minute and then getting along the next.” Noah walks to the door and calls to the kids. “It’s time to come inside, kids!”

            The kids were so tuckered out that Noah sent them to bed right after dinner. Noah and I sat at the table near the low burning fire talking quietly. I take a sip of my hot tea. “Today was nice.” Noah nods in agreement. “Tomorrow I need to go hunting for some meat. Would you like to join me?” I look at the kids considering his question. “What about the kids?” He nods toward Vic. “He will be in charge. He has taken care of himself and the kids before.” I nod remembering that when I first saw Noah, he was out hunting while the kids took care of themselves. “I’d love to go. I can fish and I’m good with a bow, so you won’t have to worry about me causing any trouble.” Noah gets up and heads to the couch and stretches out. “Get some rest. You’ll need it tomorrow.” I nod and say my goodnight as I crawl under my blankets.

            I wake to Noah shaking my shoulder. “Wake up Fay. We have to leave early if we want to get anything.” I sit up and rub my eyes. When I look around I see the Noah is already dressed. “Okay just let me get my stuff.” I get up and grab my bow and arrows. “I’m ready.” Noah heads out the door quietly. “Aren’t you going to wake the kids?” Noah shakes his head. “I told Vic yesterday I planned to go hunting. He’ll know what to do.” I look back at the kids before I shut the door and smile. I know they will be fine.

            Quietly Noah and I crunch through the thick forest. Every once in a while Noah holds up his hand in a clenched fist, signaling me to stop, and he listens very carefully. Eventually I walk up next to him and whisper quietly, “What are you listening for?” He looks at me and smiles grimly. “I’m listening for danger. If we aren’t carful the consequences would be reprehensible. The sounds around us are warnings.” Just as he says that there is a rustle in the bushes to our right. I jump back and Noah stands in front of me with his bow loaded. The rustling grows louder and I want to turn and run but right as I tense to take off a little black and white kitten tumbles out of the bush. I stare at it over Noah’s shoulder. Noah lowers his bow and lets out the breath he was holding. I kneel down and put my hand out to the kitten. It looks up at me and meows. I pick up the kitten and hold it out to Noah. “Can I keep it?” Noah looks at me with a raised eyebrow. “Keep it? Why?” I hold it close to his face. “It’s a lost little kitten!” Noah sighs and nods. “Okay you can keep it.” I smile and hug the cat giving it a chance to nuzzle against my neck. “What a good, sweet, pretty kitty.” Noah shakes his head at my affection towards the kitten and continues forward. Not long after that Noah decides to cancel the rest of the hunt and head home.

            Noah enters the house first and greets the kid with a weary sigh. I enter holding the kitten in my arms and hear a squeal. “Is that a kitty!” Mandy runs over and jumps up and down in front of me. I smile at her and kneel down so she can see it closer. “Where did you find it?” Mandy says as she reaches out to brush her hand over the kitten. “We found it in those labyrinthine woods out there.” Vic walks over and curiously looks at the cat. “I wondered why you guys were back so early. Noah typically shows up late every time he goes hunting.” Mandy gasps suddenly in surprise. I look at her in concern. “What is it Mandy?” She point at the cat. “Look at its eyes.” I turn the kitten around and almost drop it. The small kitten stares back at me with dark red eyes. Noah is looking over my shoulder with wide eyes. “What is this?” I shake my head slowly. “I don’t know but we can’t be sure it’s something demonic.” Noah takes the kitten from my hands. “Well the red eyes defiantly make it credible.” Everyone is gathered around Noah staring at the kitten unsure what to do. The cat looks at everyone but stares at me last. A small meow comes from its mouth but somewhere far off in the woods you can clearly hear the roar of some other and much larger creature.

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