Chapter 7

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            Noah was starting to feel better. He would get up and walk around, but I wouldn’t let him attempt to lift anything until his cuts where healed so that they wouldn’t reopen. I feel sorry for him. The boring days must be horrible to deal with. I tried to get the kids to help him keep his mind off of it at night when they came in from foraging, but he was like the nocturnal animals in the woods. The later it got the more he wanted to get up and do something. When he would get frustrated, sweet and innocent Mandy would try to relax him by talking and telling stories. It worked most of the time because Noah loved Mandy as if she was his own daughter.

            The kids were well behaved while Noah was stuck on the couch. Occasionally Vic was a headstrong child, but I got through to him most of the time. Earning his trust is hardest of all. Unlike Vic, Grayson is a very simple little boy. Anything I ask and he is up and ready. Mandy helped a lot by keeping Noah busy. Without her help I wouldn’t be able to get anything done because I would have to keep an eye on Noah an make sure he didn’t do anything that would hurt him further.

            I decided to have Vic and Grayson show me where the forgeable food was so that I could help. With the kids help, I bring back lots of berries and herbs. To my surprise though, Noah is outside lying on the ground as we are coming back. I quickly hand everything I have to Vic and Grayson and run over to Noah. “How’d you get out here, Noah!” Noah weakly smiles at me. “I wanted to do something usefully but I collapsed from the pain and now I’m unable to get up. Help me?” I help him up carefully. After I lay him down on the couch I see his bandages are red with blood. I have Grayson and Mandy fetch the medical supplies and Vic get water.

             I rinse off my hands after I’m done bandaging Noah again. The look I give him could set water on fire. He smiles at me. “Does an ‘I’m sorry’ get me out of a scolding?” I chuckle. “Oh no. I can’t be leave you would be so stupid. You can’t push yourself like that! Do you understand? And with no one around! Don’t ever do that again!” He looks down at the ground scolded. “I’m sorry Fay, but it’s hard not being able to help. I used to do everything around here and now I’m stuck doing nothing.” My face softens at his look of defeat. I run my hand through his hair and tilt his head back so he will look at me. “I know, but you have to give it time.” He nods and lays back. “If you keep pushing yourself you could hurt yourself to a point of no return. You have to think about that and the kids. What would they do without you?” He seems to understand. After that we are all so tried. I crawl under the covers and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

            I bring Noah his breakfast. He reaches out for it but once he sees what it is he can’t help but refuse the offer. “Come on Noah. It’s good for you.” He wrinkles his nose. “Can’t I have something with a better taste?” I shake my head with a soft smile. “I have to keep you on a limited diet until you are completely healed. It would help if you didn’t act like a child.” He takes the food and mumbles under his breath. “I’m not a child.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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