Chapter 5

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That night Noah and I sit at the table as the cat sleeps soundly on my lap. “We have to get rid of it.” Noah’s voice is quiet but harsh. I look up and absentmindedly pet the cat. “You don’t mean to kill it do you?” He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. “What does it matter? It’s just a little monster.” I look down at the small creature in my lap. “It’s just a baby. It can’t hurt a fly.” Noah sips his drink and looks at the fire. “Yeah and the wound I found Mandy with was nothing but a scratch.” I frown down at the kitten. How could something so sweet looking, grow up to be a killer? Off in the distance there is a bone chilling roar. I look up at Noah. “Was that closer than before?” Noah stands up and walks to the door to listen. “I believe it’s coming for its baby.” The kitten meows and hopes off my lap. I watch as it walks to the door with its ears perked up. I think it is rather obvious that the kitten knows that its parent is looking for it.

That night Noah and I don’t sleep a wink. The cat paces around until it can’t keep its eyes open. Right as the sun comes up the cat wakes up and goes to the door and begins to meow angrily. Noah and I watch for a few moments unsure of what to do until the cat turns around and growls at us. I get up and go to the door. “Do you want me to open the door?” The cat looks up at me and meows again. I open the door and the cat walks outside meowing. I stay inside the door and watch as the cat walks up to the trees. The cat stops in front of the trees and sits down. For a few moments nothing happens. Then slowly out of the trees comes a large cat like creature. Its claws tear up the ground as it walks to the little cat. It has a long slender tail that slides side to side menacingly. The eyes are the most terrifying part to me. They slant back in an alien shape. The pitch black color causes them to look like endless black holes. I stare wide eyed and with my hand over my mouth to keep in a scream. The way the cat walks forward with its head down makes it seem that it is going to attack the smaller cat. Though the small cat seems to be in danger it stays sat in its spot. Even when the large creature roars the little cat doesn’t move. I am surprised that the cat can be so calm.

The large creature stops very close to the cat and sniffs the top of its head. The cat looks up and meows. The creature growls in the back of its throat and pushes the cat over with its nose. I take a step forward thinking the cat is in danger but strong hands grip my shoulders and pull me back inside the door. “Don’t go out there. It doesn’t seem to notice we are here.” Noah’s voice whispers hotly into my ear. I watch the two animals and notice that the large cat doesn’t seem to be accepting the little cat. “Noah I think it smells us on it.” Noah watches over my shoulder as the large cat sniffs the little cat and backs away a bit. The fur on its back rises and a low threatening growl passes through its bared teeth. It opens its mouth and is about to attack the little cat when suddenly I scream, “No!” The cats both look at me, both frozen with surprise. Then suddenly everything happens so quickly I can’t even think. The large cat lets a roar ripe through the air as it takes off toward Noah and I. Noah slams the door shut and drags me back. The kids are looking at us with terrified eyes as the large cat slams into the door. The door creaks but doesn’t give way. Noah yanks a rug off the floor to reveal a trap door. He pulls it open. “Kids, get in now!” The children hurry down the steps. Vic stops when he realizes Noah isn’t following. “Noah, aren’t you coming?” Noah smiles sadly. “I have to stop that thing from tearing down our house Vic. I’ll be back to let you guys out in no time.” Vic’s eyes tear up a bit and he wipes at them angrily and with a nod he runs down the steps. “Fay you need to get down there.” I look at Noah in surprise. “What are you talking about? I’m helping you!” He sighs. “Fay I’m not going to be responsible for you getting hurt. Get down there now.” I turn and grab my bow and arrows. “No.” He slams the door down and locks it. “Fine but if anything happens to you I will never forgive myself.” I smile at him. “Well then don’t get me killed.” He smiles a bit and walks to the back of the house. “Where are you going?” He doesn’t even look over his shoulder when he speaks. “Backdoor.” Quickly I follow him as he pushes a large bookcase to the side to reveal a door. He opens it a creak and peaks outside. Something slams against the front door again. “I’m pretty sure it’s not back here.” Noah glares back at the front door. “It’s better safe than sorry.” I nod and we exit the house.

When we peak around the corner the large cat is pacing in front of the door and the little cat is nowhere to be seen. I load an arrow into my bow and Noah pulls out a rather large and deadly looking hunting knife. I nod at the knife. “That is a rather impressive weapon you have there.” Noah smiles and looks at the knife. “It’s definitely isn’t cheap.” He looks back at the cat and takes a quiet step out in the open when it turns it back to us. I follow closely behind and keep my bow down. Until we are close enough I will not be able to get a good shot. Suddenly a crack comes from under my foot. I look down and see that I stepped on a twig and when I look up the cat has turned around and is now racing toward us. Noah and I take off in separate direction and the cat seems momentarily confused but takes off after Noah. I yell for Noah to watch out as the cat swipes a bladed paw at his legs. It barely misses him. I raise my bow and take aim. I let the arrow loose and it thuds into a tree. I quickly put another arrow in my bow and when I look up I see the cat swipe at Noah with his paw and send him flying. I scream when Noah lands in a heap on the ground. The cat stalks toward him. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I open my eyes everything has slowed down. I raise my bow and take aim at the cat. I breathe out a slow breath I let the arrow loose. It flies straight and true into the cat’s eye. It lets out a terrible roar and turns to race toward me. I’m frozen and then I remember Noah and the children. I quickly put another arrow into my bow and draw it back. The cat is so close now. If I miss this shot we will all be killed. I focus in and let the arrow fly.

I hear a sickening thud and then the weight of the cat slams into me. ‘I missed,’ is all I can think as I am slammed to the ground by the cat. My eyes are squeezed shut waiting for the claws to sink into me, but it never comes. I open my eyes and see the cats head on my chest and the arrow sticking out of its eye and my other arrow deep in its skull.

I stay where I am in shock that I actually killed it. Then I remember Noah. I struggle out from under the cat and run over to him and kneel down. My hands hover over his body afraid to touch him. “Noah? Noah, can you hear me?” I see his chest slowly rise and fall, but he is losing a large amount of blood. I rip the bottom of my shirt and hold the cloth against the wound on his chest. He groans in pain and opens his eyes. “Noah how bad is it?” He looks at me and winces as he tries to sit up. “It’s bad.” I help him up and walk him to the house.

Noah leans against the wall as I open the door. When I get him inside and sitting in a chair I open the trap door to let the kids know it’s safe. Mandy runs out and hugs my legs with a tear streaked face. Grayson runs to Noah crying. Vic comes up trying to look brave. I pull him into a hug and tell him it’s going to be okay. I walk over and pull Grayson away from a pale looking Noah. The kids stand back when they see he is bleeding. “Vic, go get me any medical supplies you have.” He nods and runs off. “Mandy, I need clean cloth. Can you do that for me sweetie?” She nods and with a sniffle she goes to the cabinets. “Grayson I need you to get the most important thing.” He looks at me with teary eyes. “I need water.” He looks at the door and doesn’t move. “Grayson it’s okay. The creature is dead.” He looks at me scared. “You promise?” I nod. He runs to the door and peaks outside. When he sees the cat with the arrows in its skull he runs outside for the water. I kneel next to Noah and help him remove his shirt. I smile at him and attempt to lighten the situation. “Well I guess a reschedule of the hunting trip is in order.” He chuckles lightly and winces in pain. Vic and Mandy come back with the supplies I asked for and a moment later Grayson comes back with the water. I send the kids away while I work on Noah. I don’t want them to see him this weak.

Noah lays on the couch fast asleep with a bandaged up wound. Slowly his color is coming back but he is still really pale. Mandy comes over to me. “Is he going to be okay?” I smile and grab her hand. “He will be just fine.” She nods and goes back to her bed. I smile sadly at Noah’s sleeping face and take his hand. “You’ll be just fine right?”

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