Chapter 1-Your wish is my command

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How it all started...

It's the same every day: I get up, I go to school, I go to work and then come home to do more work. I wish my life was more exciting...

"Your wish is my command." a deep voice said.

I turned and behind me was a guy with the bluest eyes, ones like the logo on 'Who wants to be a millionaire?' that suck you in, hypnotising you. (Why am I comparing his eyes to a game show logo?)

"Huh?" I muttered, confused. Did I just say that out loud?

"I'm going to make your life as exciting as I can." the mystery guy declared. "And I'm going to start by taking up this offer."

He held up a sheet of paper with a picture of a room, the top says: ROOMMATE WANTED 350 dollars PCM, signed off at the bottom with M.Stone and an email address.

Oh no.

"W...where did you get this?" I said, trying to keep my voice as calm as possible.

"In the library. Not important." He held up the flyer closer to my face. "Yes or no?"

I froze in shock, realising there's one big hole to my plan to find someone to share my rent burden with me.

I left out one very important detail - girls only. I can't live with guys!They're...weird, disgusting, a bully? Let's just say, I've never gotten along with a guy before.

I've been waiting ages for someone to reply because I was struggling to keep up the 700 dollar rent per month, any other place cheaper was either too far away from school or just inhabitable (literally the only furniture in the room was a stained mattress on the floor with a dirty little sink in the corner).

I had made my home there, I grew up there, and I'm not going to give it up so easily. The only way to keep this place was to man up (or woman up in my case) and deal with it. Really, how hard is it to live with a stranger who also happens to be a guy?

Yeah it's really easy. No way.

"You can email." I countered, pointing to the email address on the flyer, trying to distract him from the question. This is a big deal for me, I need to think this over properly. Could I live with a guy like him? He seems decent enough, a normal average everyday guy. But then again, every normal-looking guy turns out to be those psychos and crazy people like on TV...

"I don't have one. Now what will it be?" he pushed on, desperate to get an answer. Who doesn't have an email these days? It's the 21st century!

"I'm late for class. We'll talk later." I said quickly over my shoulder. I ran off with my bag on my shoulder and folders in hand. I had escaped for now but this was life and life never went as planned.

I slipped on a small yellow puddle of what I hoped was juice in the middle of corridor and fell face first onto the cold hard floor. At least I was heading in that direction until I felt the back of my jumper being grabbed and my face hovered just inches above the floor for a few seconds instead of my teeth getting smashed out, giving me enough time for my hands adjust to a comfortable position to take my weight so I could get back up.

"Thanks", I said to my saviour. Luckily for me, my public humiliation was saved because the corridors were deserted by now except for the two of us.

"You can thank me by letting me take this offer." he replied, holding out the flyer again, this time right in front of my face to get my attention.

I debated whether I should turn him down but it's almost the end of the month, I've only got four more days to find someone to pay the rent. He's the only one that has even noticed the flyer and was interested. It's him or nothing.

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