Chapter 2-It won't be as simple as ABRACADABRA

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What do you get when the world stops spinning, everything goes into slow motion and you just feel frozen stiff, cold and unable to move, you hold your breath without realising, only able to stand there watching as the whole scene unravels before your eyes and there's nothing you can do to stop it? One, a tragic accident or an accident from a crime being committed, two, getting drunk or drugged or three, the cliché love at first sight. But in actual fact, all three.

If I close my eyes now, I can still visualise it, the thick sound of my blood pumping through my body in my ears, muffling all the noises around me just like being underwater. My body feels paralyzed, as if I got stung by some jellyfish on the seashore, my arms numb and out of my control, my mouth is dry and tastes of...strong mint?

"Ewwwww, issz aat ooo eeeon?" I mumbled with a mouth full of Darlie toothpaste, trying to make sense of what is going on.

The increasingly strong burning sensation in my mouth is strong enough to make my eyes start to water. I rolled over to the side and spat out the nastiness on the floor, mentally reminding myself to clean it up later. I shook my head slightly to clear the fogginess of waking up from my slumber and tried to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

Notice 'tried' because then I realised something. Something was out of order. I had commanded my arm to move but nothing had happened.

"Well done for stating the obvious." a voice came out from somewhere.

And then I saw him.

There he is, leaning against my doorframe in all his majestic glory, looking at me expectantly with his arms folded across his bare chest. From the grin playing on his lips I can tell that he's planning something and it won't be anything like throwing me a surprise party anytime soon. This isn't going be good.

"LET ME OUT!" I yelled. As soon as it has left my lips did I realise it was going to be in vain. People don't go tying girls up and let them go just like that. Duh!

"I'll let you out if you say the magic words." he offered.

"What words?" I said, annoyed. What is his problem? I have a feeling it won't be as simple as abracadabra.

"Y'know, the Leon-is-so-hot-that-I'm-dying-to-give-him-a-"

"Hold on!" I cut him off quickly, "No way ever am I going to say that. It's not happening." I said, disgusted.

Of all things he could of said, I'm not going to even try and think how that sentence was going to end. I just want to get out of this. I need to pee really badly or I'm going to wet myself. Seriously, it's that bad.

He scoffed, then put on a girly voice,"Mellie, you have such a dirty mind! Before you cut me off, I was going to say 'a smile'."

I looked at him puzzled, wondering if I heard him right.

"You seemed sad today. I saw you cry in your sleep so I thought this would cheer you up and get your mind onto something else." he explained rather honestly in his normal voice.

"Oh..." I managed to say, surprised. I'd didn't realise I had acted out my dream. Or my nightmare.

My mouth suddenly twitched up into a slight curve on its own accord, answering his request. He was staring intently at me and I felt my cheeks start to heat up under his gaze.

This guy here in front of me, in my apartment, my room, his face about five inches away from mine has survived without a single scratch on his devilishly handsome face. This must mean something because usually any guy that gets within an arms reach from me will suffer some sort of abuse, whether physically or verbally.

Guys just have that effect on me, they bring out the worst in me. There's always something about them that aggravates me and provokes me to want to beat them up with any power that I have. Especially when the ones who purposely trip you up whilst you walk along the corridors, make crude remarks and cause trouble.

But this guy right here, something is different. I'm not doing any harming. Well, not yet. It might have something to do with the fact that I'm currently not in a position to do so BECAUSE I'M TIED UP! Or the fact that I just know his perfectly sculptured face can't survive a punch, it'll just ruin him. Maybe I'm just holding back so I won't accidentally kill my rent-sharer and lose this flat. Yeah, that's why. I'm not worried about his well-being but my own survival.

"What did you think I was going to say?" he asked, his eyes still looking directly at mine and gently ruffled my hair.

Something dirty considering it's someone like you I answered internally. But from the way he's acting now, he doesn't seem like the rumours say he is. I hope it stays this way. It's not so bad after all, meeting a guy, as a friend.

"Melanie?" he questioned, sounding concerned when I didn't say anything.

"Hmm?" I said, still looking at him, but now my eyes concentrated on his face rather than looking through him into the distance.

"Never mind," he said. "Sorry I made you wet."


Did the school's famous jock just say sorry? And that just now, did he mean... I scrunched up my face in disgust as I thought about it.

"Gotcha!" he shouted. "It was a joke, and a very good one at that, I think it's my best yet! You looked like a sushi roll!" he choked out, laughing so hard he's actually doubling over on the floor. I take it back, this jerk will never be sorry.

I can't believe I just fell for that. He's the famous-for-being-a-bully Leon, I should've known. But that tender side of him just then, was it another one of his acts? He seemed so honest. Or it could just be that he has amazing acting skills.

I decided I wasn't going to put up with this any longer and log-rolled off my bed. Once I was on the floor with enough space around me, I did my best to squirm out using my legs to push me up and out.

"What looks like a caterpillar giving birth!" he bellowed, laughing even harder.

I rolled my eyes at him when I finally got out and took a deep breath in and out, loving the feeling of unrestricted breathing. How I had managed to keep alive for so long without breathing in there, I don't know.

"Last one to the bathroom is a poo poo." he chimed, dashing into the bathroom. By impulse, I dashed after him but only reached the doorframe just as he slammed the door in my face.

Ouch! My face made contact with the hard wood and made a loud thud against the door just before the door slammed against the frame, deafening me with the sound.

"Oh grow up!" I retorted through the door, the only comeback I could think of as I collapsed at the foot of it.

How can he be like this on the first day? I'm not going to survive this. That's right, you heard me, Leon Delaurier, my new roommate, more like my new tormenter had just moved in last night and he is acting like he owns the place already. I know I did tell him to 'make yourself feel at home' yesterday out of courtesy but he's taking this to a whole new level. He wouldn't do the same thing he did to me this morning to his parents, would he?

Nah, you don't know what he's capable of. It's a possibility.

But creepiest thing about him wasn't just about the pranks he plays, it was how he managed to find me and my apartment in the first place.


Sorry guys, I've been trying to get this story together and I've finally got it figured out! Woohoo!! *does a mini dance celebratory dance in the library*

The previous draft was WAY too long so I decided to split it into two chapters, which means I'm almost finished with chappie 3!

I hope I can upload soon. Gotta go!!! *gets stared down by angry library-goers and as she exits*

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