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I really don't feel like going to school today. It's not like anything good comes out of it when I do go. It's a continuous cycle of bumping into people in the corridor, people knocking you over, you get to class, get homework, do the homework, revise for exams and get grades that label you for the rest of your life.

You see, I've come up with a conclusion that the grades just reflects what jobs you get.

A for accountants, architects, astronomers.

B for biologists, botanists, businessmen.

C for comedians, carpenters, care workers.

D for dispatchers, drivers, dancers.

E for environmentalists, economists, engineers.

F for furniture finishers, fishermen, get the idea.

Though it doesn't always go that way. You can have A grades but be a doctor, you can have F grades but be a builder.

Anyway, my point is, school is a way of preparing you to get a job and work so you have a stable future, so you can survive independently. But what if you're 17 and you already have five part-time jobs? Do you still need to go to school then?

How about if I tell you that I'm already married as well? That's right, I'm a teen on the outside who's really living the life of a married adult. I can just live off the married life with my part-time jobs yet I'm still going to school only because it's compulsory. The law dictates that I need to have full time education until I finish college and I can't get a full time job until I'm 18. Stupid laws. I am, lying in bed with laundry that needs to be done, breakfast to be made and school to prepare for. But feeling dejected and being lazy won't make my day any better. Life is funny like that, it makes you go through all the bad things so then you know you were supposed to appreciate things when they were going well.

But it's too late now, because they've gone. It's all in the past now.

Have you ever heard of the saying that when God closes one door, he opens a window for you? Well, that's exactly what he did.

I was just stupid enough not to realise.

I mean, who would realise when every girl's perfect wedding dream with their prince in reality became just a few signatures on a piece of paper with a stranger they just met for a week? And that's it, just a scribble and you're married according to the law. No wedding march down the aisle, no princess-like wedding gown, no exchanging rings and definitely no celebration. Just some writing on a document in a suspicious looking office and you're done.


And wait, I still haven't had my first kiss yet!

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