Chapter 15

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Annie cried for days and days after that day. Waking up, showering, eating, sleeping, anything she did, she’d cry. She couldn’t help thinking this was her fault. If only she didn’t tell that man in the black car that day of the project that Josh lived them. If only she didn’t get too close like she thought she would. If only her mother had searched harder for her when she and Josh went missing.

Annie moved back in with her mother when she was released. Mr. Hutcherson didn’t understand why she packed up all her stuff one day and suddenly left. Josh never spoke of her anymore. It was too hard; however she was all he thought about. The way her hair would blow in the wind, the way she would laugh loudly and then cover her mouth immediately, how peaceful she looked when she slept and how she stuck by him through everything and the only plan he could think of was to dump her. Another thing he missed about her was her intelligence. She had everything going for her but him. Unfortunately he was a huge part of her.  

“Annie, come on sweetheart it’s time to go shopping” Her mother came into her pale pink bedroom, opening the curtains wide. With a groan, Annie pulled the matching duvet over her head. “Maybe you’ll meet a new boy at the mall” her mother shrugged before leaving the room again.

“Maybe you’ll meet a new boy at the mall” She mimicked under her breathe. With another loud groan, she pulled herself out of bed to get ready. Today was different. She didn’t cry changing, showering, eating breakfast. But she was extra quiet. Her thoughts flooding her mind with images of him and her. How they were now doing everything she once did. How he would be waking up and telling her how much he loved her. Annie wasn’t sad but mad, sickened by her own thoughts.

Josh felt the same way. He woke up with Millie sprawled across his chest like he was some kind of favourite teddy bear to a little child. Millie was also over, never leaving his side like a lost puppy. Every time he saw Annie outside from his bedroom window he wanted nothing but to run down and sweep her off her feet, tell her how much he missed her and what he did was for her safety. But then reality would hit and Millie would cough, causing him to snap out of his thoughts and move away from the window.

“What about him?” Annie’s mother would say as a new boy would walk past them in the food court. After a while Annie started to blank off and nod occasionally.

“Stop, please. I’m not looking for a rebound. I haven’t seen you in ages, why can’t I just stay home with you?” She finally asked, her mother replying with a sigh and nodding too. There was one boy that caught her eye though. Josh. His jaw line strong as ever and his dark hair looked as perfect as before. The only thing missing was his million dollar smile. Annie prayed it was just a bad dream, seeing him here but it was very much real. Her eyes immediately looked the other way when he noticed her. She looked stunning, he thought. Even if her eyes were slightly puffy from crying so much recently and she now had slight bags under her blue eyes, he still thought she was gorgeous. Then he looked over at Millie. Plain, average Millie. Boys wolf whistled at her in the mall and she was blush like she didn’t realize her boobs were basically on full display or her ass.  She must have seen Annie too when her grip got tighter around his arm and pulled him in the opposite direction, mumbling how pathetic his ex was and how he was better off with her now.

The words he told her still floated around in Annie’s mind that night. “I never loved you.” She believed every word. No one had ever loved her; she knew Josh was too good to be true. Probably why she stuck by him through everything. Probably why she let herself get into so much danger to save him. It was obvious her mother had no feelings towards her daughter when she went missing and didn’t call a search party. The only reason why she let her back in was to steal the five minutes of fame from her daughter about the incident. Tragic, heartbreaking, dreadful, awful; some of the words her mother described Annie’s kidnapping.  ‘I was so glad to finally have my beautiful daughter back home. It hasn’t been the same. I can finally stop crying and worrying over her. I have her back and that’s all I could have asked for.’ Annie read the article in the local newspaper again before scrunching it up and throwing it out the window.

Meanwhile, Josh stared at the blank ceiling above his bed. Millie had finally gone home due to lack of clean clothes, leaving Josh alone for once. “Thank god she’s gone” He father said, walking into the clean cut bedroom. Josh just huffed and continued to throw the small basketball up and down. “Why don’t you just go over there J?” He took a seat at the end of the bed.

“It’s not that simple. She could get hurt again. Plus I told her I didn’t love her.” Josh mumbled.

“Now might be the only time to talk to her before Millie comes back.”

Wooo i did it! I updated! I hope you all enjoy and im sorry for the wait but i hope it was worth it. Im so sorry i take so long. With all my college work i find it hard to write. During my free time im usually out because i dont see my friends everyday anymore i go visit them:( Im trying so hard to update please forgive me xx

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