Chapter 3

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“Josh, Wh-‘’ Annie began.

“Annie. We need to go, now! If they knew were up here” He didn’t even finish his sentence when a high pitch screech filled the house. He ran to the window to find two of the men in black carrying his mother into the car. Her face was red and puffy from crying. She kicked her arms and legs in fear. Josh’s face dropped when he saw her. The terror in her eyes. The third man came out of the house, pushing his father into the car, gun pressed to his back. “Do you want that to be you?” Josh’s voice was full of anger as he turned back to Annie. She shock her head in terror. As quietly as they could, Josh and Annie slowly made there way down the wooden stairs and into the garage. He moved his finger up to his lip do say ‘shh’. Annie nodded doing everything he said.

“Search up stairs, check his room. Do anything, just find that kid” Annie recognised the voice, it was the man who talked to her earlier. Guilt filled her stomach, making her feel sick. She swallowed hard to hold in her phobia. Without warning, Josh threw a scarlette helmet in her direction.

“Put it on” He whispered. Slowly she slipped it over her head. Josh did the same with his. Pulling both straps of the filled backpack on his back, he jumped on a cherry red motorbike.  “Come on” He added. A motorbike! No Way! She thought. “Or I could leave you here, with them. Your choice” She sighed and got on the back, wrapping her shaking arms around his toned body securely. “Hold on tight” He smirked before starting the engine. They backed out of the garage, not very quietly but quickly. “Do you like motorbikes?” Josh joked trying to make small talk.

“Oh now is so not the time!” He couldn’t help but laugh at how scared she was. He was good at hiding his fear. As the tires drove onto the driveway, two of the men ran out of the house.

“Well this isn’t good” Josh mumbled. He felt Annie’s grasp tighten as the motorbike gained speed.

“There he is!” One called. He was tall and skinny unlike the others. Also wearing black with shades, even though it was nearly midnight.  

“Annie I need you to do me a favour, okay?” He asked, driving as fast as he could. “Annie, listen to me. Tell me how far away they are. Tell me who and what is coming. Can you do that for me?” His words were clear. He could hear her lips trembling in fright.

“Okay” She took a deep breath. She turned her head to do as Josh said. “There about three meters away.”

“Who are? How many of them are there?”

“Only one car, it’s the Black one”

“Okay, keep going! Whose in the car, describe them? You’re doing great” His eyes never left the road.

“There are two of them in the car. They look strong, one is bald.”

“And how do they look?” He questioned.

“A-Angry” Her words slurred.

“Right. Okay. That’s not good” He laughed, driving at top speed, twisting around corners to cut them off.

“Josh, please tell me, where are we going?” She cried.

“I promise you now Annie, I wont let anything happen to you. As much as you hate me and you properly hate me even more now, I won’t let them hurt you. You hear me?” He explained. “Annie, do you hear me?” He repeated.

“I hear you, Josh” Without being told, she turned her head to see the car a few centimetres away. “There right by us!” She screamed. Without warning he turned the bike left, racing onto the highway. Annie’s green eyes shut. She couldn’t bear to look. His reckless driving petrified her. The car chased after them. The bike swivelled in between passing by cars at top speed. Dodging them very slightly.

“How far are they now, Annie” He shouted back to her over the wind.

“I-I don’t know there’s too many black cars” She panicked.

“Focus Ann” He reassured her. Her eyes squinted to focus more. In the corner of her eye she saw the car.

“There catching up Josh” And with that he pulled off the highway at the nearest turning. They drove still at top speed down the ramp. Annie looked back up to the highway to see the cars driving past, oblivious that they had left. The motorbike slowed down slightly as they drove through silent streets under yellow street lights. Half and hour down the line, they came to a stop. She slowly let go and he helped her off the bike. She looked up at the destination. It was a scruffy motel; Annie had never been here before. It was dangerous; there were gangs on both corners of the building and a drunken tramp lying outside one room.

“Stay very close to me” He could see she was scared as he put his arm around her. The checked into the rundown building and opened the motel room. It was a tip. One double bed in the corner of the room with a broken mirror above the shabby sink. The curtains were ripped, hanging off the rail.

“Ann?” He asked softly. She ignored him though. “Annie, talk to me please. Whats wrong?”
“Whats wrong! You have the nerve to ask me that” She broke down in tears. He pulled her into a hug as she cried on his shoulder.

“Shh Ann. Its going to be okay. Remember what I told you on the bike. I won’t let them touch you.” He comforted her. “I could only afford one room, you don’t mind” He nodded towards the bad condition bed.

“I have a million problems going on in my head right now; sharing a bed isn’t one of them” She smirked, getting into the bed. He followed slowly. She turned to face him when she saw a tear fall onto his cheek.

“What happens now?” She whispered.

“I don’t know” He swallowed. “I don’t know”

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