Chapter 1.

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"I'll be heading out to LA in a couple days".

I said as I was playing prop hunt with Bob, Wade, and Mark.


Wade yelled.

"Yeah, I'll be there for my sister's graduation".

Just as I finished that sentence I was killed by Bob.

"Thanks Bob"!

He started laughing.

"I'm also bringing stuff for us to film while I'm there".

Mark then was killed.

"How long are you staying in LA again"?

I looked at my phone.

"2 months, my sister also needs help moving off campus, also Wiishu is coming with me".

Once the screen changed, Mark and I went hunting for Bob and Wade.

"I could help with the moving if you both need help"?

I found Bob and killed him.

"I don't think she would mind, I'll call her later on to tell her".

Once we finished playing Mark and I were in Skype for a while.

"So where is your sister graduating from"?

Mark asked.

"She is graduating from UCLA".

He nodded.

"She's my twin".

He looked surprised.

"I didn't know you had a twin".

I laughed.

"I've told you about a sister".

He chuckled.

"But you didn't mention she was your twin".

My phone started ringing.

"My sister is calling, just a second Mark".

I answered my phone and put it on speaker

{SepticSam- Samantha.}

Sean: hey sammy, you're on speaker, it's just Mark and I.
SepticSam: hey bro, hi Mark.
Mark: hello
Sean: Wiishu and I are all packed and we will be leaving on Wednesday at 3 am.
SepticSam: Alright, I can't wait, I haven't seen you in over 3 years.
Mark: I'll be looking forward to meeting you.
SepticSam: I've been watching your videos sean.
Sean: you watch my videos?
SepticSam: all the time sean.
Mark: that's sweet.
SepticSam: looks like you aren't the only one who wanted to dye their hair.
Sean: wait, you dyed your hair?
SepticSam: I dyed the ends purple.
Mark: awesome.
Sean: Well I'll be seeing you both on Wednesday.
SepticSam: Alright. Bye Mark. Bye sean.
Mark: Bye.
Sean: bye.

{end of concersation}

Once she hung up I set my phone to the side.

"I better go record some stuff I'll talk later".

I said to Mark.

"Alright, later Sean".

We got off skype.
I was about to start recording happy wheels when a knock was at the door of my recording room.

"Come in Wiishu".

She opened the door.

"I made you some coffee, and once you're done recording I'll make some dinner".

I smiled at her and pecked her lips.

"Thanks babe".

I took the coffee and say down at my desk.
She left the room and shut the door behind her.
I started the recording.


I put my hands in the air


I started playing the game.
A little while later I finished playing and sent it to Pixlpit to edit it.
Once it sent, I went down stairs to see Wiishu making dinner.

"Smells good".

She smiled and set the plates on the table and we ate.

"Cant wait to be in LA and to see your sister again".

I looked up and smiled at her. 
Wiishu and Samantha are pretty much best friends.
I'm glad she's happy to see Sammy again.

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