Chapter 6

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I've been at the hospital since morning with Lillie, it was getting close to my lunch time when Lillie and I make dumplings together.

"Sammy, there is a man in the waiting room asking for you".

Dr. Peters said as Lillie and I left her room.

We started walking towards the waiting room.

I saw a familiar figure, with red hair.


He turned around .


He smiled and looked at Lillie.

"And you must be Lillie".

Lillie smiled.

"You're Markiplier".

She giggled.

"Indeed I am little one".

The smile on her face grew bigger.

"Can I get a picture with you"?

He smiled at her and handed me his phone.


He set my coffee on the table and lifted Lillie of the ground.

"Post them to twitter, is that alright Dr. Peters"?

Dr. Peters nodded at Mark.

"Now let's see that smile Ms. Lillie".

He tickled her, making her giggle, which made him smile.
I took the picture at that moment.

"That is too cute Mark".

He looked over and smiled at me.

"Did you bring Chica"?

He smiled even bigger.

"I did, she is with Jack outside, did you want to meet them"?

All 3 of us looked at Dr. Peters.

"I don't see why not, go ahead Lillie go see them".

She smiled as Mark set her down, she walked over to Dr. Peters, and have him a hug.

"Let's go then".

Mark held her hand as we walked out.
I also took a picture of that and posted it to his twitter with the caption.

:@Markiplier: Mark has finally met Lillie and I've never seen him so happy , I love seeing him happy with his fans. -Sammy:

People already started liking, retweeting, and replying.
Some were asking why I had marks phone, so I replied.

:@Markiplier: Dont worry guys, Mark unlocked his phone for me to take the pics and post them, I don't know any passwords, he gave permission. -Sammy:

Everyone seemed to calm down after that.
I followed them outside to see chica, Sean, and Wiishu.

"She's so big! And cute"!

Lillie giggled.
I walked over, handed Mark his phone, and sat on the ground beside chica and Lillie.
I heard cameras go off but I didnt care, I loved seeing Lillie happy.

*Later That Day*

"Nurse McLoughlin, your shift is done for the day".

Lillie was fast asleep, it was now 5 pm.
I kissed Lillie on her forehead, and clocked out.
I grabbed my bag and keys out of my locker.
Once I got home, I set my bag on my counter and grabbed a bottle of lemonade out of the fridge.
My phone started going off like crazy.

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