Chapter 2

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[Fast Forward to Wednesday]

I sat at the airport wait for my brother and Wiishu to arrive.
When I was waiting by the gates my phone went off.

From Wiishu:

We just landed, can't wait to see you!

To Wiishu:

I'm right at the gates, ah! I'm so happy you guys are here!

I put my phone back in my pocket and waited.
As I was about to sit down I hear shouting.


I turned around.


I was so happy I started running to them.


They ran to me.


We engulfed each other in a hug.

"I've missed you guys so much"!

We started walking to baggage claim.

"I can't believe my twin sister is graduation from UCLA as a medical student".

Sean smiled as he put an arm around me.

"I'm so proud of you Sammy".

I hugged Wiishu again.
After we hugged, Wiishu took her phone from her pocket and took a selfie with me and Sean being a photobomb.

"Let's get you guys to the hotel".

We grabbed their bags and headed to the hotel they're staying at.

"Tomorrow is the big day".

Wiishu said while unpacking.

"I'm so happy I could cry".

Sean says while wiping fake years away.

"Did you film videos ahead of time sean"?

My brother stopped wiping his "tears".

"Yeah, I was also thinking of doing some vlogs".

He waved his camera infront of me.

"Finally getting used to vlogging huh"?

He laughed.


He turned on his camera.

"Too of the morning to ya laddies, Wiishu and I have just landed in LA".

He pointed the camera to Wiishu.

"We are here to shoot videos, and also to see my lovely twin sister graduate from UCLA".

He pointed it towards me but I his my face in my jacket.

"She doesnt like being on camera sometimes, but she will get used to it".

I laughed.

"But at least you heard her laugh"!

He laughed and shut his camera off.

"You should be in some challenge videos with me sam, I also would love to introduce you".

I smiled.

"Maybe after graduation Sean".

He smiled and jumped at me, making me fall back onto the bed.


He just later on top of me.

"Get off me you sack of potatoes".

He got off me and helped me up.

"I better get back to the dorms, i have to get ready for tomorrow".

Wiishu and Sean hugged me goodbye and i drove back to the dorms. When i got to my dorm room, my friends were all sitting in our living room.

"We all need to go shopping for our dresses and shoes, we will do each others hair and makeup".

Maria said. I live with 5 other girls. Maria, Emma, Jenn, Madi, and Chelsey. Once i shut the door they all looked at me.

"Finally you're back, we ordered some Vietnamese food, and we will all watch netflix tonight".

I took my jacket off, changed into some sweats and a tshirt, grabbed some food, and sat down with my friends.

We probably watched about 4 movies until we all fell asleep, but i woke up at about 4 am, cleaned up all the food, and went to my room and fell asleep for a couple hours.

Tomorrow is the big day, i graduate and ill start my part time over at Silver Lake Medical Center.

My Brother's Bestfriend..Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz