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I carry new case files into the Black Badge section of the station. A sharp stabbing, ripping pain tears into my side. I catch myself against the wall as the blood begins to pour from my already healed bullet wound. 


"Babe, are you alright?"

Waves voice startles me and I jump. I turn a bit away from her.

"I'm fine. I just got a cramp."

"Then why won't you turn to face me?"

She begins to slip her arm around my waist but pulls away when she feels the blood. She spins me around.

"Nic. What happened?"

"There is a very good reason why I never talk about my past but now would be a good time to get it out there I guess."

I relay to her my twin brother and our connection, how we are identical, and about the day I ran away while she bandages up my wound.

"I don't know where he is now. Matty was the only friend I had in the world. The only person truly there for me. I didn't feel safe around anyone but him, until I met you. You make me feel safe and at home, Waverly McCready."

"I'm still getting used to being called that. I'm sorry about your brother. Do you think he did this?"

"No. He would never purposefully hurt me. The only other person who knows where the bullet wound would be is Sam Owens. That revhead must have gotten to him somehow. Matty's never gotten hurt like this before. Not since the first time when the bullet went through Sam and got me."

"I promise, we will find out what happened. That revhead won't be living for long. Now let's get you to the car. I am taking you home to get you some rest."

She drives me to the homestead where I have moved in with her, Doc, and Wynonna. She helps me into the house and upstairs into bed.

"Get some sleep now. I love you."

"I love you too, beautiful."

I feel myself being drawn into a state of temporary comatose as she kisses me and covers me up.

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