Chapter 10

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A/N: I'm a douche. I keep saying that the last chapter I wrote is the last one, but then someone says I should do another chapter and I can't deny any of y'all. Don't get me wrong. I love writing. You guys aren't forcing me to add anything. It is my choice to write more chapters to this. And if I didn't, what else would I do with my life?

It's weird when you think you know how your life will turn out. Mine turned out different to how I imagined it.

Sure they may be a little different than what I expected, but I would never change who my friends are for the world.

People say that their lives are roller coasters. Mine? Yeah, more or less.

First, the beginning is easy. We don't think much of it. Then there is the build up. When you start going up in the roller coaster. That's when your life starts to get a little -or a lot- harder.

Then at the top of the build up is when you start to realize that life hates you. That the universe is out to get you. This is the climax of your life. In my life, this was the past year.

Then you start enjoying the ride. In life, it's when you say, "You know what? Screw this." Where you start making the most out of you life.

I realized that I have to do the same. And being here with my friends right now, made me make that same decision.

Yes, I will meey douchebags in the future who will think they will be able to ruin my roller coaster for me, but I won't let them. They have there own to screw over.

People just need to realize that they will meet those certain people who will make that roller coaster even better for you. They will go along with you and make the experience even better then you thought.

Your friends will always be there for you.

But you need to be there for them too, in their time of need.

Just as long as you keep going, you can keep enjoying the ride.

And when you get off is your choice.

No one elses.

A/N: So... How was that? I hope you like it. It took a while to decide what to do for this chapter.
There is also something else.
I haven't said this yet because I haven't gotten around to it yet.
I haven't left a fandom since the Hunger Games. Don't get me wrong, I will always love the books and the movies... (And Josh Hutcherson...)
And I hurts me to say that I have also left the Divergent fandom.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
I'm a type of person that will love any movie or book I see and/or read. Until people start pointing out flaws is when I finally see them (unless they are really obvious or I chose to be observent, or I go deeper in the meening of the movie or book then I have before *cough cough HTTYD cough cough*.)
But this fandom, it was amazing once I first started fangirling over it. Now I have seen the movies and read the books. I have pointed out the flaws and I have cherished every moment.
Now, those moments I will always love. I will always love this fandom.
I just don't have anymore interest of being a part of it anymore.
I'm sorry.
And now, I hope y'all won't give up on me now that I am being introduced to more fandoms.
P.S. My tablet has decided that I have to spell everything correctly by myself. So if there is any spelling mistakes, tell me and I will fix it.
I love you all.

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