Part 1-Lucy's life

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Lucille Lucky Heartfilia

Age: 16

Blood Type: O (made up)

Place of residence:

Heartfilia Estate


Lucy's P.O.V.

     I looked at my card, to see the information on it. As I was looking, Virgo came in my room and told me that my dad wants to talk to me. I changed into my home school uniform (above), expecting me to start my last year of my high schooling. When I got to my dad's study room, he told me otherwise. he said that I was not going to be home schooled this year, and I will be going back a couple years to try to find out about the weird things happening in Fairy Academy. I did not protest because I know i'm going undercover, and he said my name would be "Lucia Rose Bacie". He said My uniform was in my closet, along with my new student id. I went back in my room, and changed into kitty pjs. I looked out my window only to see some guy walking around the estate. without thinking, I walked outside still in my pjs, and confronted the guy. He had spiky pink hair, and brown eyes, so dark they are almost brown. Annoyed with him trespassing late, I told him "Um, excuse me, but you can't be here... Its private property. Im going to have to ask you to leave..." Then the idiot just looked at me!

Natsu's P.O.V.

I was walking around, trying to find my cat named Happy who ran off, when I wandered into some sort of estate. When looking around, some girl who I didn't know approached me. She had blond hair sticking out of cat pajamas, and brown eyes. The girl told me I couldn't be here, and I had to leave. I looked at her, but I didn't know why... Eventually, I said "Um... sorry... I was just looking for my cat who wandered off. Sorry." She responded by saying "Its fine... you can look for a second, but don't let my dad or anyone else to see you. My first day of school that's not home school... I should get to sleep... Bye!" Right after she said that, she went into the estate building. I wonder if shes going to my school, Fairy Academy...

N/A: This was the start, so you might think its short. By the was, I was on an app and asked "Whats your favorite 'Fairy Tail' character?" and someone responded Alice In Wonderland. flipping Alice in Wonderland. I said Fairy TAIL not fairy TALE. exactly 50% of the answers were like that! I am making another part today, bc I am bored. Maybe tomorrow...

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