Part 3-The Park

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Lucy's P.O.V. (I'm going to start it from school bc I accidentally deleted what I wrote before it for 30 mins ;-; I am a baka.)

When I got to school, I looked in my locker to get ready, when I realized I forgot my bag! I told Wendy because she was right by me, and she said we could go get it. I didn't know what to say, so I just said Yes. We started to walk out when Virgo approached me and said "Princess, you forgot your bag at the es--- house. I figured I would bring it to you" I thanked Virgo, and told her she should call me Lucia. I hope Wendy didn't realize what she called me...

Wendy's P.O.V.

Me and Lucia were walking to her house to get her bag that she left behind, when a girl with the name of 'Virgo' I guess gave Lucia her bag, but she called her Princess! She also said "The es" and then cut off into house... I wonder what she was going to say...

Natsu's P.O.V.

I was starting to walk into the school when I heard some pink haired girl call Lucia "Princess" as Lucia looked around frantically to see if anyone noticed, then Lucia said "You should call me Lucia..." I wonder if Lucia really is Princess Lucy...

Lucy's P.O.V.

I put my things in my locker, and Wendy asked what Virgo meant by 'Princess' I quickly texted my dad

xXText startXx

(D-Dad L-Lucy)

L-Virgo called my princess at school on accident... its fine, but a girl named Wendy asked what she meant. Me and Wendy are friends, so I want to know if I can show her the estate.

D-Well, I would be against it, but since she heard Virgo, sure.

L-Really? Thank you SO much! Well, I should get to my classes now. Bye!


xXText EndXx

"Wendy... Listen. I'll show you after school." I said and with that she nodded, and we walked to our class in room 307.

XxTimes skip with magical Fairy Glitter from Cana to be over 9000 to LunchxX

Lucy's P.O.V.

I ate in the same spot as yesterday, at the same table. After I finished eating, me and Wendy walked around. I told her about my life, but quietly so no one could hear. We walked for a bit, until we had to go to History. For some reason, the same people are in my class, just different teachers. Today, we learned about how Fiore became a nation. I was not really paying attention when the teacher asked me what all the names were for our kings/queens, which is a last year of high school question, and I think she was expecting me to fail, but I named every single name perfectly. The teacher just looked at me, and then continued the lesson after I sat down.

xXTime skip to just after schoolXx

Natsu's P.O.V.

I was starting to walk home when Lisanna walked out and asked me if I wanted to go to the park, and I agreed. On our walk there, we saw some guy walk out of another school. He had blond hair and blue eyes (It's Sting). We ignored him and kept walking... The park is kind of far away and it is right by the Heartfilla Estate. I wonder if Lucy is there...

Lucy's P.O.V.

Once me and Wendy got to the estate, She looked amazed. I introduced her to me dad, and then asked her if she wanted to go to the park, after we changed. She started to say she didn't have any clothes on her, when I opened my closet. I have a lot of stuff, and some old stuff that should fit her. She put a white kitty sweatshirt and a black skirt, with black flats ( I put on a blue and white outfit with a gold rim, a blue heart on the white crop top, dark blue stalkings, and brown boots {A.K.A. that one star dress} ( We walked to the park, and it was quick because its right by my house. I sat down at my favorite spot with Wendy, when she said she had to leave. I sat there reading my favorite manga, "Rave Masters". I looked around a little and saw Natsu walking and holding hands with a short haired girl with white hair, who is the leader of the cheerleader squad. I think her name is Lisanna... I saw Natsu look at me, so I looked away. As I did, Someone said "Hi" and sat by me. The voice sounds so familiar... I look over and see Sting, so I hug him. (In this I am pretending that they are childhood friends bc I can't think of anyone else to make Natsu mad) "Hey Sting! " said as he asked me if he wanted to take a walk with me, and I agreed.

Natsu's P.O.V.

Who is that guy Lucy is with?!?!? SHE HUGGED HIM! Wait... that's the guy from before! the one who walked out of the school! I swear if he hurts Lucy in any way I'll kill him!

xXTime skip to later when Lucy is going to bedXx

Lucy's P.O.V.

I got into my normal cat pj's and went to bed.

N/A: I noticed It got pretty long so I just ended it XD It has exactly 900 words when I end this.

Nalu fanfic-Na-Flipping-Lu in Fairy Academy (and other ships) ~ON HOLD!~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ