Part 2- The First Day Of School

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Lucy's P.O.V.

I woke up and took a shower. After that, I put on my school uniform, then walked downstairs and had breakfast. Today I just had a muffin, and a strawberry smoothie. I said bye to my dad, and I went to school in a car. Once I got dropped off, I saw a lot of kid my age... I'm not used to seeing kids my age, let alone this many! I walked in the school, and saw someone who looked familiar... I ignored it, and kept walking. I bumped into a girl with blue hair, who looked way younger then me... I bet she skipped a few grades. I said sorry, and asked her if she knew where room 307 is, because it is my homeroom class. She told me it was her class too, and asked if we could walk together. I agreed, and we walked to the classroom.

Wendy's P.O.V.

When I started to walk to room 307, my homeroom class, when A girl with blond hair and brown eyes bumped into me. She said sorry and asked where room 307 was. I told her it was my classroom too, so we walked together. On the way there, we told each other out names. Apparently her name Is Lucia. When we got in the classroom, Lucy sat by a girl... I think her name is Levy. I sat next to her, but not at the same table, because they are 2 person tables. I could see the trouble makers, Gajeel, Natsu, Gray, Jallal,and a few others. I noticed Natsu looking at Lucia... I wonder why...

Lucy's P.O.V.

I started to talk to the girl next to me, who said her name was Levy, when the teacher, a blue cat asked my to walk up and introduce myself because I am new to the school, so I introduced myself as Lucia Bacie, and not Lucy Heartfilla. I looked at my classmates, and I saw the guy from before. I went back and sat down, and then the cat started talking about fish. Wait... I just realised my teacher is a talking cat...

Natsu's P.O.V.

Lucia... shes the girl from before, I can tell. Why was she at the Heartfilla estate? After I went there, I saw that it was the Heartfilla estate. She can't be Princess Lucy, because it is said she died at a young age... I won't question her... It might be something personal.

XxTime Skip by going to the celestial world!xX

xXLunch Time With Epic Bento Boxes!(...Well, normal school lunches)Xx

Lucy's P.O.V.

I am SO not used to lunch places. I always go to my favorite park and sit on my favorite bench right under a Sakura tree, and I get a good view of the park because it is on a hill. After I got my lunch, I sat by Levy and Wendy, along with a girl who has red scarlet hair and fake glasses who had strawberry cheesecake called herself Erza, and a few other girls. They were all talking about having a sleepover. They said my house because I'm new. I made up a half-lie, and said my dad would never agree to it, and I can't have it without him knowing, because then we would be there alone with no adults. I was surprised when no one said anything about a mom, but they must of realized she died... Erza said we could go to her apartment, because she rents 5 rooms at once that are all joined together. We all agreed, and ate our lunch.

Natsu's P.O.V.

I overheard Lucy and the girls talk about some sleepover at Erza's apartment. Why do I care so much about what Lucy's doing? Whatever. After I finished eating, I walked around the school. It turns out the cold freak, Grey followed me. We started to fight, and just before I punched him, a flame started appearing on my fist. I still punched him, it being too late to stop, and he got a burn mark on his cheek. I stared at the fire wide eyed as it started to go up my arm, but I had no burn marks. Gray touched it and it burned him. "Gray you idiot! Why would you touch it?" I said really angry, but then it disappeared. We agreed to never speak of this, and walked our seprate ways.

N/A I would do more, but I'll just do it as another day because its already at 750 words, so I am just going to stop it. Bye

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