Part 3

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Eren's body was burning up.
He avoided looking at Levi.

Levi glanced over at him.

"Oi are you okay?"

Eren clutched his arm tightly

His face was red. Desire was taking him over. He tried holding it back. But he was rock hard.

I can't let Levi see this. He'll think I'm some pervert.

Levi started to walk towards Eren.
Eren started to panic.

"Don't come near me!"

"What's up with you?"

"N-Nothing just stay there!"

Levi looked at him suspiciously.

"What are you trying to do?"

Then it hit him pheromones.

"Don't tell me....... your heat started."

"Um I-I'm really sorry. I took the medicine but.. I-I don't know."

Eren looked up at Levi.
The water from his wet hair dripped down on his abs. Eren unconsciously stood up and walk over to Levi. He had a slight stagger but it wasn't going to stop him.

"What the fuck are you doing!?"

Eren grabbed onto Levi's chest.
Completly overthrown by desire.

"Please touch me."

"Oi stop you're not thinking straight."

I need to be touched. It hurts so badly. Its burning.

He grabbed Levi's hand and started bringing it to his body.


Mikasa burst in.
Eren stopped a looked up. Only to be slammed onto the floor. Mikasa then shoved the pills into his mouth. Levi stood there in shock.

Is this his girlfriend?

"Why the hell are you here? I searched everywhere for you! Are you hurt? Did this man force you?"

Eren finally came to his senses.
His pheromones died down and the intense heat lessened.

"Ughh. What are you, my mom? What are you doing here anyways?"

"What are you talking about?"

Oh god she gonna start rambling now.

"Of course I'm here. Armin told me that you started your heat so I came to check up on you. But I couldn't find you in your apartment. And I heard your voice next door and I thought you were being attacked so I rushed over to save you."

Is she some sort of superhuman what the actual fuck.

" I'm fine Mikasa jeez. Go back home now its getting dark outside. Don't you have work early tomorrow?"

"I do, but are you sure that you're oka-"

He shoved Mikasa out and closed the door. This happened EVERY single time he got a heat. He knows that she means well. But it gets kinda.... annoying.

He turned back towards Levi.
And started to remember what just happened.

"I'm really sorry for what I just did. The heat just took me over. And I lost control."

Eren averted his eyes and turn bright red in shame.

Ughh he's gonna hate me now and we were making progress in our relationship.

"Whatever. It's fine. I mean it's not your fault that your heat started. Don't overthink it."

Levi is so kind.

"Brats like you should go home and sleep now."

"Fine. *slight pout*
I'll be taking my leave now. Thank you for having me. Goodnight Levi-San."

"Yea whatever. Night brat."

Levi shut the door and walked over to the sink. He noticed the Eren already "cleaned" the plate.

It's still dirty. Shitty brat.

He recleaned the plate and put it in the drying rack. He finished drying his hair and put on a shirt. He fixed his hair and set off for his job.

At the host club


Eren went into his room and flopped into the bed. This was all to much for him. He tried to slow it down a little and process some things.

What was I thinking?

Why did i got into heat?

What's going on?

Do I like Levi?

Wait what?

No way.



Eren pressed the pillow on his face.
That last question really stuck with him. He ignored the thought and rolled over and fell asleep.


{9 am}
He woke up early so took his medicine and called his part time job and told them the situation.
He usually took a break from work when he was on his heat. It was Sunday and there was really nothing to do.

Eren was currently a university student studying Human Physiology.
He wanted to figure out a way to shorten heats.

So instead of meddling around all day. He decided to do something productive. He made some bacon and eggs for breakfast and started studying .

He went on his heat every month for a week so to earn enough income he would do some stock marketing.

It was a slow day today and the stocks were getting low so Eren shut off his laptop and decided to take a walk.

{12 pm}

He took a pill with him in case he was out too long.

He walked around the park for a while. Fed the birds. Regular day.

Until he saw Levi but he wasn't alone.
Levi was with another women!?

But who?

(Welp. Here comes the drama.
Sorry guys, but I gotta end it here.
I know , I know I'm an asshole.
First the cockblock now this!?
I'll try to update asap.
But schools starting again
soon so no promises.
Thank you again for reading
And have a lovely day <3)

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