Fright Night Speckle-Part2

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Howdy Folks! Happy Halloween everybody! This next little bit is going to be in Percy's POV so get ready for some Percabeth!;)

Tell me about your Trick or Treating because I'm missing it this year D'X I want sweets!!


Percy's POV

Waking up to see the sky filled with hundreds of bat ponies wasn't what I expected to happen when I went to sleep a few hours before.

"Percy! Shall I tell the archers to shoot them down?"

I groaned and squinted at Jack, the son of Athena stationed as my partner on watch duty. But when the first of the skeletal horses landed on the hill with a familiar face as its rider I shook my head.

"Don't worry, they're friends coming to help." I told him as I watched his worried expression turn into a tired smile. Noticing the rings under his eyes I figured that he was about to drop and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You look spent, why don't I take over watch and you sleep?"

He nodded at me gratefully and as soon as his head hit the pillow of the makeshift camp bed he conked out.

I ran over to where the rest of the riders were landing. I noticed that most of them looked about as tired as Jack.

"Sorry, long journey." Harry spoke, kicking a guy snoring on the back of Ginny's horse. Ron flopped to the floor and woke up ninja style , his eyes wide as saucers.

I laughed as Hermionie told me how he had crashed into a tree and so they had made him ride with Ginny as they hadn't trusted him to fly by himself again.

Hearing a bang and a scream from the left I winced as everyone turned to see, suddenly remembering why they were here. Yep that would be the Aphrodite cabin gone.

Sure enough I saw smoke curling out of the windows and its pink walls were looking a little more black than usual. The creature who I suspected was the main culprit, bounded out from behind the ruins and started spewing fire at us.

I was expecting Harry and his friends to take out their swords and charge. After all, they were demigods weren't they? Even if they did look a bit scrawny. But not expecting their reaction, I dived to the floor with a very 'manly' scream as they pointed magical twigs at the dog-thing causing all sorts of things to happen to it.

"Very macho Percy." Someone behind me teased.

I yelped as Annabeth pulled me up by the arm. Hard. She pointed at the pink, glittery poodle in front of us and then at Harry and his friends.

"The wizards have arrived I see." She said, giving them a smile.

In the next ten minutes, every single one of the hundred or so Hogwarts students were huddled in our 'base' which was just an orange tent behind Zeus' thumb. Annabeth had taken charge along with Hermionie Granger and were talking battle tactics with a bunch of Ravenclaws and children of Athena making me feel like the dumb, third wheel I am whenever anything involving 'tactics' involved.

I mooched about the medic tent to see if anyone needed any help. All of the casualties were either incredibly klutzy people who had tripped over rubble or from the Hypnos cabin (who were taking up most of the beds and moaning in their sleep.)

I was shoved out almost immediately with a series of violent 'No thank you Mr Jackson we are perfectly capable without you's and 'Why don't you see if the weapons tent need your help, you're disturbing my patients' which didn't help with my self esteem at all.

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