Mon Amis, Je suis trés desolé.

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Authors Noteeeeeeeeeeee:DD (FINALLY)

Hiya. For the last two months. TWO MONTHS, my Wattpad has decided that it hates me and has crashed/deleted all my work/not connected to the Internet every time I have attempted to type up even just a teeny tiny little bit of the story, but nooooo it is obviously not my destiny to retell the story of the brave adventurers namedly Percy Jackson, Harry Potter and their merry friends. So here's what I say: STFU DESTINYYY!! Stupid Wattpad Update... Anyway, just ignore me ranting about technology, it is part of my daily existence and will continue for the rest of my sadly ignorant life. :D I still get the emails and that just makes me love you guys even more... and consequently want to chuck the said piece of useless 🍏 technology at a wall and stamp on it until it is well and truly dead... even though that would probably make the situation worse...:-/ But I've had questions whether I am going to carry on this book (I WOULD FREAKING <3 TO:D) but that's if you'd want me to of course, if you can bear the frustration that this may cause you with the infrequent updates ya da ya da ya da .. actually.. tell you what.. I am so darn fed up of being non committed to everything.. I annoy myself and so I will set an alarm every week to spend some time writing for you? Is that okay? An update a week?? Gahh please guys, do NOT take my example as a role model, I am a failure of a human being. I blame procrastination and the fact I blame things for everything.


Jazzyyy :)))))) AWH I missed u guys xxxxx

When Percy meets Potter (A Percy Jackson/ Harry Potter Facebook  story)Where stories live. Discover now