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It takes a lifetime to build,
But a single moment to break...


"You don't remember me? I'm Abel, you bitch."

Judging from the look she gave me, she was definitely Mia Higgins . . . and she definitely DID NOT recognize me.

I could literally read 'how-dare-you-cuss-at-me,-you-lowly-human' written all over her face. Now I was sure she was Mia.THIS was the Mia Higgins I knew.

THIS was the Mia Higgins I hated.

I'd hated her for as long as I could remember. The righteous Miss Higgins. Oh God! I couldn't even bear standing there and looking at her, without giving her a black eye. HOW DARE SHE FORGET ME! THAT DAMN BITCH! THAT FU-

I was going to cuss-in-the-head some more, but then the Bitch started talking. Which was weird, cause bitches don't talk. They bark. So I guess saying she started barking would be more appropriate.

"Dear Mr. Abel, if bad mouthing me is all you're going to do, then I think you better run for your life, before I beat your ass red." She said in her most fake honey coated voice.

Oh how I loathed her damn words, always dripping with sarcasm.

She was going to slam the door at my face, but I was too quick for her. I put my foot between the door and its frame and . . .

Yup! You guessed it! The door slammed right on my foot and I (with GREAT effort) stifled a moan.
Mia looked into my eyes. Like really looked into my eyes, before saying (or more like spitting) "Look dude, I'm pretty good at forgetting those who I don't want to remember, okay? So if I don't remember you, I think it's better that way. Now get lost if you want your foot in one piece."

Her words and her face were contradicting. She was just telling me to fuck the hell off . . . but her eyes were saying something else entirely. Her eyes were intense. And her cheeks were RED! For heaven's sake, she was blushing! Mia Higgins was blushing!

Or at least that's what I thought. She just could've been angry out of her mind for all I knew, giving her flushed cheeks because as I was lost in my own fantasies, she banged the door at my foot. Again. And HARD.

The minute she did that, the door behind me burst open, and an old lady with a wrinkled body and white hair stepped out and shouted
"What is this commotion?!"

To put it more specifically, Grandma Tory walked out and started shouting.


Mia's P.O.V


So THIS was Grandma Tory's grandson, Abel. NOT what I was expecting from Grandma Tory's genes, really.

So what was this guy doing (with an almost broken foot) at my doorstep?

Apparently he had come to help his grandma with shifting, but got confused between 84-C and 85-C. And guess who he found instead? An old classmate (whom I really don't remember, by the way). Not like I wanted to remember him anyway, something told me that it was better not knowing him. The guy had called me a bitch in the first sentence he ever said to me (at least from what I remember). He just couldn't be good news.

As I was standing in the sunlit corridor, making a list of reasons for why I should stay the hell away from this Abel guy (which was REALLY long, by the way), Grandma Tory asked me to help with the shifting. Which, quite obviously, I did not want to do. And it wasn't because I was lazy either.

Rule ReversalOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant