Blood, Sweat And Tears

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Hard work is suppose to end up in good results and happy vibes. But knowing myself it's looked at in a different way. Blood, sweat and tears is hard work. But for a person who suffers in silence that's the result we end up with.
Not literally blood, sweat, and tears, but more like the back round of it.

Blood.... It's the liquid that flows through your body caring oxygen and to heal broken wounds. It doesn't have to be physical wounds but more emotional. My emotional wounds brought me down, but not far enough to do dangerous stuff on which you were thinking. Yes depression. I do not have depression, I just have depressing thoughts that make me upset. But not enough to cut myself and bleed. People that do say it relives the pain instead of causing it. The blood for me is the healing kind. It can leave a scar to remind you of the past but you don't realize it unless you look back into the past.

Sweat.... Your body's reaction to harm, fear, overworking, and pushing yourself to the breaking point. My relation to sweat is the result from anxiety. Anxiety is an emotion like an intense about of fear and worrying that interferes with daily activities. My anxiety blocks my daily happiness. It breaks me down, I worry so much about the little stuff like the past present and future. Sweating not on the outside but on the inside causing more worries.

Tears... A little water droplet on my face running down slowly until it falls off my face. Tears of hard workers is when they have became hurt of trying to hard. My tears are the result from not trying. When you fail to do something and complete it. That has happened. From losing and never gaining my pride back from it. But since I have been trying my hardest the tears are tears of happiness.

I feel like if I continue to work forward and make sure not to look into the past, adventually I will have earned the blood, sweat, and tears of a hard worker. Don't be a hare and rush it. I have to take it slow and steady like a tortoise, and end up winning up in the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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