Imagine for Ava

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Plot : Ava and Stuart get in a fight and they make up.
Sorry this is late but thanks for the request tribute_runner My smol beans check her story out its bases on maze runner its called TRASH I think. Anyway lets get on with story.
Ava's P.O.V
I was walking through the Halls of the Google building when I felt a tap on my shoulder, thinking it was my boyfriend Stuart, I spun around but I was sadly mistaken VERY mistaken. It was Stuart's team enemy, Graham Hawtrey. " Hey there" He greeted, " Hello, who are you? " I acted like i didn't know him but in reality I knew who he was. "Graham Hawtrey, and you are?" He extended a hand, "Ava", I exchanged a hand and shook his hand in return, " What a pretty na- " Pretty what Graham " He turned around to see a very angry Stuart. " Uh Uh nothing", Graham stated stuttering a bit before he ran off. Stuart Grabbed my hand angrily and stormed out of the building and went to back to my apartment. I unlocked my apartment and went inside with a still got headed Stuart. " What the fuck Ava, why were you talking to him" he yelled, " He was the one who insisted on having a conversation" i replied, " You could see him flirting with you from a mile away AND YOU STILL went with it" he screamed, " Why are you Overreacting Stuart" I yelled back, " Your cheating on me with him aren't you", He snorted " Stuart get out", I whispered " but- " I SAID GET OUT", I shouted. He huffed and stormed out. I ran to my bedroom and started balling my eyes out.

* Time skip brought to you by Barry Allen fucking up the time line damn it Barry *

Stuart's P.O.V
I went back to Ava's apartment when Neha knocked some sense into me and I was stupid and I fucked up. I'm at the doorstep of her apartment luckily she gave me an extra key. I unlocked her apartment and as soon as I walked in I heard loud sobs, Ava. I ran straight to her room, swung the door open and found Ava curled up on the floor crying. I go up to her and wrapped my arms around her.

Ava's P.O.V
I felt a pair of arms around me I turned around to see Stuart with a red mark on his face," Don't ask " he said, "it's Neha isn't it", I said, " Yep", he replied making me laugh. "Hey I'm sorry for what happened earlier " he explained," It's okay I forgive you it was probably my fault for taking to him", I sighed. I sat up so did he and we both went to my bed, "I love you Loser", He smiled pushing a piece of my dirty blonde hair back," Love you too Loser", I replied. He leant in and kissed me I wrapped my arm around his neck he has his arms around my waist and places me down on my bed and hovers over me....

Okay that kinda took a turn y'all can finish the ending you hormonal teenagers. I hope you liked it tribute_runner

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