Requested for Cathrine

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dylanosmilin sorry for a very late story since this asian ass is lazy af.

Cathrine's P.O.V
I got dragged out by Neha out of my office chair to go outside to my Boyfriend, Stuart, and the rest of my teammates. They all planned to go this club for a mini celebration but me being me i refused to go. "Oh come on Cat, it will be fun!" Neha said, "She's right babe, we all need to take a break from work", Stuart replied. " Okay fineee" groaned.

*times skip brought to you by Barry Allen and Pietro Maximoff meeting for the first time*

A few minutes later we arrived at the so called venue called " The San Fran Strip". Just by the name i knew something was going to go terribly wrong. Nick and Billy led us to a free table and ordered some drinks, "How do you guys like it so far?" Billy asked, "Great!" Stuart says peering over to the half naked women pole dancing. "How bout you Cat, you seem pretty tense.." Nick slurred chugging his whiskey " Im alright. Thanks", i replied as i drank my Margarita. A few laughs later a girl who worked here cane to our table, "who here needs some fun?" She slurred. The whole team except for me hand Neha chanted for Stuart. So the girl started flirting with stuart in which he flirted back making me tense and my blood boil, then she started giving him a lap dance. Just as i thought from the very start, I got up pushed past the team and left, before i walked off the Stripper who was giving my so called Boyfriend a lap dance said " whats up with her? ". Hell no, i left before anyone could blink.

*times skip provided by google*

I took a taxi to the Golden Gate park at 4:30 in the morning. It is such a beautiful view for anyone to see at this hour, i heard footsteps that made me snap back into reality, i turned around to see a beanie-less sober Stuart. "I'm Sorry Cat, i got carried away with everything and all." He apologised, "Hey, Its ok, I'm sorry for being tense and overprotective, i guess". He told me that right after i left Neha pushed the girl off him and gave stuart a smack to the head, " Oh Neha, thats my girl", i laughed. He stood me up, lifting my chin up to stare at his Brown eyes. "I love you so much, you know." He gushed, "Mhm i loved you too." I replied. Stuart pushed my hair back and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Giving me a long awaited hug...

dylanosmilin  I'm sorry if this didn't meet your standard, i haven't written a story un a while so forgive me bby xx

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