Chapter 10

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*The next morning*

My eyes peeled open to the sounds of birds chirping. I looked beside me to see Beth still sleeping peacefully.

I got up and peeled the blanket off of me.

I stretched and rubbed my eyes in the sound of silence. My body ached. So did my heart.

I sighed and thought about Dad and Maggie. I already miss them. How was I this stupid to run away from them? Especially Carl? It's only been not even a day and I'm already having a melt down.

I put my knees to my chest and put my head on my knees and kept a blank stare at my feet. That's when the tears came.

I heard shuffles beside me and I looked beside me to see Beth beside me waking up slowly.

I outstretched me legs and wiped my eyes roughly.

Beth's eyes fluttered open and she looked at me and smiled.

"Mornin'." She said in her southern voice, smiling at me.

"Morning." I said back ignoring the loud screeches of the birds above us.

Her smile faded and she looked at me with a worried expression.

"What's wrong?" She asked Softy coming closer to me and putting an arm around my waist.

That's when I lost it and started to cry out loud.

"I miss dad! I miss Maggie! I miss carl! I miss everyone back at home! We're so stupid to go and leave like that! And now we don't even know where he hell we are! How could we do that? Leaving everyone we love? Why?" I yelled slightly at Beth making her flinch.

"Hey hey I miss them too. But we couldn't handle their crap. We HAD to leave. No need to cry. Well meet up with them someday
And we will be fine out here. Remember Momma is watchin' over us. She will protect us. No need to cry." She said softly with her beautiful voice.

"I cry for everything. I cry for leaving. I cry for leaving maggie. I cry for leaving Patricia, Jimmy,...and... I cried for mom dying. I cried for starving and cutting myself. I cried for breaking the necklace mom gave me! I cried...for leaving carl." I cried at Beth. She said nothing. She did nothing.

All she did was hug me.

I hugged back and cried into her shoulder. She smelled just like her. My mom.

I squeezed harder and she played with my hair.

"Thank you so much Beth."

She pulled away and smiled that warming smile.

My best friend.

We head a crumple behind us and we immediately looked behind us.

It was a walker. It looked big and buff too. I whimpered loudly and pulled out my hunting knife, stumbling to
my feet.

I got into position and Beth came behind me. Her hand shook.

The walker came at me and I slashed it's face as hard as I could.

It fell on the ground. And I thought it was dead.

It grabbed my ankle and it pulled me down with it. I screamed and Beth pulled on me as hard as she could.

"Beth help!" I screamed and grabbed Beth's hand and she pulled me away from the walkers grasp.

I'm not as strong as I thought I was.

I got my knife back and stabbed it in the head and it fell limp.

I took a sigh of relief and immediately felt a rush of sickness.

Vomit rose up in my throat and I couldn't hold it back.

I let it all out and Beth turned away.

When I was done I wiped my mouth and stood up grabbing all of my belongings.

Beth did the same with her big blue duffle bag.

We headed North and soon we came to an empty highway.

Get ready for a big journey.

* 8 months later* (sorry, big time jump)


It's been 8 full months. 8 full months since we left our home. To be on our own. We've been Ok since then. We came across 2 little girls yesterday. Two girls with blonde hair. One is 4 years old her name is Olivia and The other one is 8 years old her name is Emily. They're both sisters and we found them in a cabin while we were on a run.

They were on their own and we weren't going to leave them.

Me and Beth have become more badass through the weeks.

Becoming less afraid of the world thats around us.

Sometimes I don't even know what's happening. Or what were doing. We're just.... surviving I guess.


All 4 of us walked tiredly down the road.

Olivia on my back. Emily on Beth's back.

We're running low on food and water.

But now we're just heading to only god knows where.

We came across a neighborhood and we decided to go inside.

We found one house and walked in. I smiled and looked at Beth.

It was beautiful. it had torquise painted walls, a huge white stainless couch and a huge flat screen TV on the wall. I laughed and headed upstairs along with Beth. We set the girls down on the couch and they slept peacefully.

I opened the blue painted door with a creak.

I gasped and looked around. Better than the living room! Blue walls, another huge flat screen TV, a queen sized bed, and an Xbox 360.

It also had a desk with a bunch of drawings and writings on it.

I picked one up. It looked like a professional drawing of a heart made of stone and it had Stone heart written in cursive on the front.

I smiled and put it back down walking out the door to find Beth.

I walked into the bedroom beside me and immediately froze.

"Move, and she gets a bullet through her fucking brain."

Hi my little ass kickers! I had alot of fun writing this chapter bc I mean who doesn't want a chapter with Beth in it?? I liked when I made the part where the whole 8 months later thing happens cuz its a major thing to me and also it's pretty cool bc I imagine things and it's really cool. So I promise you that you will really really like the next chapter!!

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Oh and don't forget to spread Love 💕 and French Fries 🍟 !!

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