Chapter 19

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It's been 3 days since Lori died. After Rick found out, he's been in the tombs doing god knows what. He's only come out for food and something to drink and then going back to his dilly-dallying. Carl isn't doing any better. In fact, he's getting worse. Everytime I try to talk to him, he storms off and doesn't talk to me. To be completely honest, it's scaring me. He's never like this.


"What do you think we should name her?" I asked Beth. She held the little baby in her arms.

"Hmm... Catbaby?..super baby? No! Monkey girl!" She said excitedly ,but quietly.

I chuckled. "No Beth."

"i think Ass kicker would be good!" I heard Daryl yell from the kitchen, right below our upstairs cell.

I laughed out loud and so did Beth.

( I legit almost just put "I Lol'd out loud" XD)

"No.. I like Judith."I said out of the blue. No seriously, that name came out of nowhere.

"Where did that name come from?" Beth giggled, carefully holding a sleeping Judith in her arms.

"I have no idea. I guess I just see her as a Judith. Plus my 7th grade art teacher's name was Judith." I said giggling with her.

"Nah, I still like little Ass kicker!" Daryl interrupted once again from the kitchen.

"Well, Dixon who won?" I yelled back to him.

"Shh, you're gonna wake up the baby!" Beth said laughing quietly.

"I did!" He said rather loudly. I laughed to myself.

I sigh. "So Judith.. ready to go see bubba?" I took her little hands in mine and bounced them.

She opened her eyes. I gasped. "Beth! She opened her eyes!" I slapped her thigh and she looked at Judith. Her eyes lit up with excitement, but then her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I followed her gaze only for myself to be doing the same.

"She has... brown eyes.." Beth said.

"Carl!" I said a little rather quickly.

I heard the sound of feet bouncing off of the prison staircase and heading to mine and Beth's cell.

"What's wrong?" Carl asked with worried eyes. This is the first time he's talked to me since Lori died..

"Judith... she's.. she has brown eyes..not blue. Yes, Lori had brown eyes but they were much darker and you and Rick both have blue eyes." I said not taking my eyes off of Judith's supposed-to-be-blue eyes.

Carl chucked.

What the hell? Why is he laughing?

"You obviously have never seen a baby a few days after its been born." Carl said taking Judith carefully out of my arms.

"No shit." I muttered under my breath.

"Well, after a baby is born, it always has brown eyes. No matter what the father or mother's eye color is. It's always brown. Then after a while, it's eyes go to the color of the parents eye color." Carl explained, gently swinging Judith and patting her booty.

I smiled. He was so good with his baby sister. I was relieved that Carl knew what to do. Especially 3 days after the woman who gave birth to him died. I'm happy he's doing Ok and still alive and kickin'.

Beth walked out of the cell leaving me and Carl is an awkward silence.

"You ok?" Carl asked gently breaking the silence.

I nodded and looked at my blood-stained lap. He out his free hand on my thug and slightly rubbed. He also scooted closer to me.

"You know you can tell me right? I'll always be here for you. No matter what. " His words always melted my heart and no matter what, I'll always love this boy.

"Yeah... just... tired." I replied, slowly looking into his sea blue orbs. His large hands traveled to the back of my head and he leaned in. I did the same.

His lips touched mine and those same sparks went off from the first time we kissed. His and I's lips moved together in sync and I gripped the back of his neck. I let go and looked into his eyes again. He leaned his forehead on mine and I felt his heat

"I will always love you.. no matter what." His voice cracked.

"No mater what." Tears were threatening to fall, but I had to be strong. For carl. For my family.

Ok I am so so sorry for the lack of shit and stuff but I'm back :)

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