Thirty Eight

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POV: Jin
My beautiful, precious Jimin woke up again- he actually woke up, for me.

"Jimin..." I sobbed, my smile spreading across my face.

"Jin?" he mumbled, trying to get up. He had a tough time doing so.

"Stay there, baby, rest," I said, tucking in his bedsheets. "Yo43 tired and you've had a long, tough, painful, day. I understand, baby."

Everytime I called Jimin my 'baby', his eyes would flicker ever so slightly, and it was cute. I was just glad that Jimin was back again, and hoped that he would heal soon.

"Kim Seokjin!" a voice echoed from the corridors of the hospital. "You homosexual bastard!"

It was mum. Of course, only she would insult me with homophobic comments like that. Jimin got up almost instantly with a cross look on his face.

"H-how dare you say that to Jin!" I screamed, his voice weak and cracking.

"Jimin, don't, you'll strain your voice, don't, please, I beg you," I whispered, as he screamed more.

"You're getting out of this filthy place right now!" she roared, her face flustered. She grabbed me by the wrist to pull me up from the chair but I pulled back, and her own wrist flicking onto her face as a result of it.

She looked at me for a second with a completely shocked face, until she grabbed me by both of my broad shoulders and dragged me out of the room.

"How fucking dare you!" she swore, her face completely red by this point. Mum had never really sworn at me before- this was the first time that she had done so. "I'm not having a homosexual, disrespectful fuckboy as my son!" she yelled at the top of her voice. "By tomorrow morning, you will have packed everything you have, and I never want to see your face ever again! Do you understand, fuckboy?!"

She was kicking me out of her house.

"Fine!" I yelled back, my voice cracking. I was trying to hold back my tears. "I don't want to see you ever again! I don't care if you drop dead tomorrow! I don't want to keep on living with a homophobic bitch!" I had never exactly sworn at mum either, but I had to. She was getting too much for me.

"Also," I said. "I don't need to pack. I'm not going back there ever again. I'm not stepping one foot onto that road, for I have everything I need right here," I said, pointing to Jimin. "and if you don't love me for who I am, and who I choose to love, then you're pretty fucked up in the head, mum. I'm just saying."

I waved goodbye to mum one last time, with Jimin by my side. "Thanks, mum, upto now," I whispered, as she walked away, shaking and trembling. I could tell that she was crying from behind. "You will regret it, mum." as she walked out of sight.

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