How? How do I live...

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I've been thinking to much... About what happened... Should I tell? Or not... Suddenly I hear my mum shout "Tyler? Are you okay?" I quickly shout back down trying to keep her unsuspecting "Umm... Yes."
"Okay, dinner will be done soon!" she replies. Good! She didn't suspect anything! The door creaks open downstairs and I know automatically who it is... Dad... The one who made me feel like shit a few weeks ago... I still haven't told anyone what happened well... Apart from Josh. I have to tell Josh! I have to tell him EVERYTHING! I miss him... It feels like his holiday has been 2 years when really he has only been there for 2 weeks! Oh well... He's back tomorrow! I get to see him and stroke his faded red hair... I spoke to him 3 weeks ago about what happened... Not even my own mum knows and she is married to the man... My life is SHIT. I ran to my window and jumped onto the top of the shed roof... It was wet after all the rain last night but I still sat down... If it was any deeper I would have drowned myself... That's how bad I feel... I hear my dad knock on the door. I know what he wants! I know what he is going to say... I jump back into my bedroom and quickly dry my but then sit down on my bed... "come in..." I say dreadingly "TYLER IF YOU MENTION ANYTHING THEN YOU WILL HAVE IT..." He says in a hushed shouting voice! "Okay dad..." I stutter!
"That's my boy!" he says. Then he stands up and leaves the room closing the door behind him. I don't know what to do...

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