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We are here. At school. I look and I see a prison for kids. A mean one full of people who bully! But maybe today will be different? Maybe just maybe! I jump out of the car and say goodbye to Mrs.Dun, Abigail, Jordan and Ashley! Josh did the same! "Death awaits us" He says in a 'I don't want to be here' voice. I walk into school and nearly burst out crying... So many bad memories haunt my mind as we start walking to my first class! ENGLISH! HELL ON EARTH! Well at least theree is a 99.99% chance of sitting near Josh. The other 00.01% is if Miss Harlestone has changed the seating plan. Or... NO! It would NEVER be possible but... Nah. We get to the English corridor and I pull back, meaning I really don't want to! But Josh pushes me through to the door and everyone has seen me now so I HAVE to go in. I grab the handle and pull the door open. It swings as everyone stares. Josh pushes me in and I find my seat... Where's MY seat! Josh is where he normally is but me... I'm the other side of the classroom! Miss Harlestone has changed the seating plan and now I'll NEVER sit next to Josh again. "I-I-I need the toilet, Miss Harlestone" I quickly say. I needed to get out. QUICKLY!
"Tyler, why didn't you go before class!" she replies sounding quite annoyed. "I was late in, I am extremely sorry Miss Harlestone" I lie
"I guess, but quickly Tyler" she says turning back to the Blackboard. I run out the classroom down to the door and run...

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