Chapter 3

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It was Saturday morning and I decided to cook me and my baby some breakfast because we were going to chill in the house today.

Before I could do that Faith called and told me we were all going out for breakfast.

"Okay let me get a babysitter." She said okay and we hung up.

When I got off the phone I thought about Dre I knew he was going to be there, but I had to face him sometime its now or never. I called Sidney to see if she could watch Kaylin she told me she would be straight over.

I went to Kaylin's room to wake up my baby and saw that she was sleeping so peacefully like she had no problems in the world. I really wanted it to stay that way I would do anything to keep my baby safe.

"Wake up baby", I said.

She turned over and said, " Mommy not today I need to sleep."

"You have to get up baby because mommy has to go somewhere and Sidney is coming over to babysit you sweetheart." She rose up all happy and shit because my baby loves her some Sidney. I got her dress and then told her to go downstairs while I get dress.

I still didn't know where or when I was suppose to meet the guys. I called faith and she let me know and I finished getting dress. I found the perfect outfit and got dress and then headed downstairs and waited for Sidney.

A few moments later Sidney got here I greeter her and told her I had to leave.

"Kaylin come here mommy is leaving", I said.

"Okay mommy be safe me and Sidney is going to have so much fun", she said.

When I got to Breadwork everybody was there even Dre. I spoke to everybody even Aundre, but he had a attitude so I left it alone.Then some girl came in and sat on his lap.

I guess that was his new girlfriend everybody spoke to her even I did, but I definitely wasn't going to let him see his child now though. I was having a whole conversation until I looked over and saw Aundre making out with the girl. I couldn't handle it, but I wasn't going to let them know that so I went to the restroom.

I went into the stall and slid on the floor and just cried I kept wondering why does this keep happening. Some people walked in and I knew it was my girls because they kept calling my name.

Angel said, " Please come out we know you in here love." I came out crying and they just hugged me while I cried.

"Don't cry", Faith said.

"It's going to be okay", Neveah said.

"No it won't why did I have to fall for him. It hurts to see him with somebody else. It hurt I don't think I can do this."

Neveah said, "Babe were going to clean you and you going walk out with your head held high don't you ever let nobody still your joy." I got cleaned up and walked out there with my held high.

I sat down and Trey whispered in my ear are you okay I reassured him that I was. I told him that I was okay.

Aundre girl started to talk to me and I almost didn't speak back until Neveah nudged me and told me to be nice.

"What is your name",she asked?

"Nicole and you."

"Shamaree, but how do you know everybody."

" I used to hang with them until I left and plus Faith is my sister."

"Why did you leave", she asked?

"Not to be rude, but that is none of your business", I said.

"Her hoe ass left because she had a baby", Dre said. That kind of hurt, but I wasn't going to let him get away with it.

"First of all I'm not a hoe because the child is your asshole and don't you ever call me out my name in your damn life or I will personally kill you myself."

Shamaree said, "Don't speak to my man like that."

I looked at her and at the wall to see who she was talking to.

"I can talk to him however way I want to talk to him and Aundre don't you ever call me out my name again or disrespect me in any kind of way and until you learn how to grow up you will not be able to see your child.

I told the guys bye and walked out with my head held high.

FUCK LOVE BE INDEPENDENT SEQUEAL TO Falling In Love Wih A ThugOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant