message five

45 6 0

(pls read a/n again sorry)

namjoon; jagi~missed you a lot :( send me a picture of you? hehe

*send a picture of self*

namjoon; are you okay? why are you pouting.. you look sad :(

dear namjoon,

hahah. what were you thinking? i'm always fine. i pouted because i miss you, joonie. sobs.

namjoon; i miss you too, jagi! sorry but i need to go for a while.. talk to you later. i love you!

love you too :( bye

sorry. wrong face. * ;)


a/n; italic was actually supposed to be just for action such as, *(italic)send picture* and all but instead i used it to show that the one in italic are her reply. so if it's an action, i will include this *action* okay!

I'm Fine | k.n.j.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt