message sixteen

25 4 0

(lmao don't laugh later)

namjoon; jagi, i'll be back soon ;) i just went to buy some things at the store :)

dear namjoon,

okay joonie :) do you want dinner though?

namjoon; it's okay! i'm still full from lunch. ate too much because you're a good cooker :) and because i missed your cooking :)

hahah okay joonie :)

around eight thirty in the evening namjoon came back. he went inside the room he's sharing with his wife. he went straight to refresh himself when he see that she is not in her room.

when he steps out of the bathroom, he noticed her waiting on the bed, in a nightgown. a see through one.


she only give him an innocent look.

"my baby trying to seduce me, hmm?" he slightly smirked.

she play with her fingers while looking at another place. "what if i say yes? what will you do?" she asked.

"i'll punish you, obviously." he grins, a naughty one though.

"and that is?" she asked again.

he went to close the light, only leaving the night lamp. it shows a romantic feels though. he approach her on the bed. "make love to you, of course." he winked.

she gets up from the bed and stand in front of him. she also wrap her arms around his neck. "i would love that" she said while smiling.

he wraps his arms around her waist and leaned in to kiss her.


a/n; i'm stopping there. this is legit. this is true.
by the way, trust me. a single bed has lots of space more than you think. ohoho(halpp i'm dying what did i wrote i can't stop laughing-)

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