message twenty

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namjoon; jagi! its been a week! are you on the way? :)

dear namjoon,

can you pick me up, joonie? at xxx station.. i'm almost there :)

namjoon; okay, i'm coming! :)

*they finally meet again*

"jagi!" namjoon yelled while running towards his dearest wife, not minding the stares he got.

as soon as he reached her, he wraps her in a tight hug.

"i missed you a lot" he said in between the hug.

"i missed you a lot too, joonie.." she mumbled, hugging him tight too.

he then let go after a while, and pick up her bag that is big, leaving her the small one.

"lets go back home. you must be missing house right, jagi?" he said while smiling.

she nods with a huge grin plastered on her face. "of course i missed home!" she exclaimed excitedly while clinging on his free hand while they make their way to where he placed the car.

once they are home, they crashed on the couch after bringing her bags into the house.

namjoon pats her head that is leaning on his chest. he also play with her hair.

"so.. how is work, joonie? wait. you're supposed to be working right now, right?" she got panic.

he shushed her softly. "my manager let me off for today. to fetch my beloved my." he smile.

she hummed. "are you fine with this..? not being at work just because of me.." she mumbled while bringing his hands on her flat stomach.

"hey.. of course i'm fine. you're my wife after all! you're my priority right now." he rubs her hand lovingly.

she hugs him by hands. "i appreciate that, joonie.." she smile.

he smiled back. "ouh! by the way.. i got this one rehearsal next week.. for an event. and i want you to come." he looks at her right into her eyes.

"of course i will come, joonie." she said with a grin.

"thanks, jagi!" he grins and hugs her.

I'm Fine | k.n.j.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora