Chapter 3

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This must have been the longest dinner of my life. Peeta & I ate in silence as he used the prongs of his fork to push around his mashed potatoes. I tried making small talk but, noting seemed to interest Peeta. When he had enough of this awkward dinner he rose from his chair and offered to clean up.

I nodded my head and walked up to my bedroom. I took a seat on the velvet armchair in the far left corner.

I understand why Peeta's mad about the arrival of Gale but, he can at least act like he's fine instead of acting like a child.

Right after Gale gave Peeta that black eye on the day he left two years ago, I was angry with him. But, as time went on I realized I couldn't stay mad at Gale. He was hurt seeing me with Peeta and I hadn't been the best friend either. Every second I was pretending to be Peeta's star crossed lover in the games all I could think about was how Gale thought watching us together. It must have been sickening for him.

Besides that, you can't stay mad at someone you've been friends with your whole life. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday...

His brown hair was all messy and his grey eyes sparkled. I remember how eagerly he followed me through the fence & into the woods. He was already a master at hunting and unlike most people at school he seemed really happy to be with me. I've always spoke my mind which can be a problem sometimes but he enjoyed listening to me rant.

Hopefully tomorrow when he sees me he'll forget the wrongs I've done  & we can forget anything ever happened.

For the second time today my thoughts are interrupted when I hear the sound of glass shattering against the floor and the sound of Peeta screaming in pain.

I run down the stairs as fast as I can to see that there are small shards of  glass scattered across the kitchen floor.

I turn my head to the far right corner of the room where I see Peeta on the ground, eyes bloodshot and blood trickling down his right arm. The top of a glass bottle is in his left hand.
I asked him what's wrong.

"Gale's coming." he says in a low, angry, shaky voice.

"Gale's coming." He repeats a bit louder this time.

"GALE'S COMING!" He now yells in a deep angry voice as he smashes the remains of his bottle on the ground.

Before I can respond, Haymitch is storming through the back door telling me to back away from Peeta and follow him.

I follow Haymitch into the office down the hall.

"What's wrong with Peeta?" I ask.

"Has Peeta ever told you what happened before Gale swung at his eye?" Haymitch said quietly.


"Gale threatened to kill Peeta after Peeta admitted to him that he made a bet with some guys in District 11 that he could get you to actually fall for him after your act was up."

"How much was this bet for?"

"$50,000" He reply's with a worried tone in his voice.

"What did he use that money for?"

"To pay off other guys so they wouldn't talk to you...including Gale...but Gale refused to take his money. Gale told him if he ever payed anyone again or did anything to hurt you...that he would kill him. Peeta got cocky with Gale saying that he wouldn't and that's when Gale swung at him."

I don't know how I feel anymore.

I start to get up from my chair when Haymitch stops me and says:

"I'll help you deal with Peeta."

Together we walk into the kitchen to talk to Peeta just to see that he isn't in the corner and the back door is wide open.

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