Chapter 5

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Katniss's Pov:

Make sure there's no more glass under any of the cupboards. Check.

Shower and put on my black v-neck under my red flannel with grey distressed jeans and my combat boots. Check.

Make sure the rest of the house is clean. Check.

Call Haymitch to make sure Peeta is with Dr. Octovi in his spare bedroom. Check.

Hopefully, now I'm ready.

I slowly walk down to the Victor's Village sign where I've decided to wait for Gale's arrival.

I anxiously tap my foot against the stone ground for a good 10 minutes before I see him. His grey eyes glowing, his hair windswept and his face freshly shaved.

He starts running as do I right into his open arms.

"Gale!" I yell with joy.

"Hey, Katnip" he softly says into the curls in my hair.

When he finally releases me from his arms all I can do is look at him and smile, as does he.

"Hey, I was supposed to be a surprise, who told you I was coming?" He asks a bit confused, but still with a smile on his face.

"Peeta might have said something." I reply a bit  nervously.

"You know what, it doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm here with you."

"I'm really glad your here." I say.

"Me too" he replied.

He looked like he was about to lean in and kiss me but before he could inch any closer I hear a voice yell my name.

Running from the same way Gale came was no other than Effie Trinket.

"Effie!" I yell in surprise & excitement.

I run to meet her and she embraces me in her arms.

"Darling, it's been so long! How are you?" She asks.

"Well, I'm definitely a bit better now that you and Gale are here."  I reply.

"I'm glad to hear that. Oh, and is Haymitch home by any chance?" She asks with a smirk on her face.

Just as she finished speaking Haymitch came walking out of his house.

"Effie!!" He shouted.

"Haymitch!" She yelled back embracing him.

"Maybe we should leave them alone." Gale suggests as we start walking back to my house.

Hope you guys are enjoying the fanfic so far:) Please vote for my chapters and comment some of your opinions. Thanks for reading these first 5 chapters xx

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