Chapter 6

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Gale took a seat on the leather sofa while I put water on for tea.

"So, why'd you decide to come back?" I asked him as I sat in the arm chair across from him.

"Well besides to see you again...I came to apologize. You see, that last day that I saw you before I left..."

"Gale, I already know." I say cutting him off.

"You do?" He said with a confused look on his face.

"Haymitch told me after Peeta went insane...or should I say almost suicidal, because he knew you were coming back."

"Katniss, I...I didn't know, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, you were trying to protect me."

"Ya but, I've caused you so much trouble, probably made you miserable at times." He says with an angry tone in his voice as his face began to turn bright red.

"Gale it's ok, calm down." I try to assure him.

"NO, it's not ok Katniss. I screwed up and I can't take back what I said or did. Peeta probably has marks on his face to prove that." He says as he drives his fist into the wall. As he did the paint chipped away and all that was left was a dent.

The tea kettle was now screeching.

After turning down the stove I took a seat next to to Gale. His elbows resting on his knees, his face buried in his hands. I rested my hand on his back and he slowly raised his head to face me.

I looked to see a single teardrop slowly run down his face and landing on his shirt leaving a small mark.

Wow, I'd never thought I would see Gale Hawthrone cry.

"I'm sorry." He manages to say between his heavy breathes.

I rest my head on his shoulder for a few seconds, he put his head slightly on top of mine.

"Gale, I love you." I whisper into his ear.

"I love you too, Katnip." He says back smiling again.

"Race 'ya to the woods!" I say grabbing my jacket and two bows before running out the door.

"Eat my dust!" I yell looking behind me at Gale.

I see the fence and I slip through it getting a good lead on Gale.

I stop after running a bit further.

"Wow, not bad Katnip. Toss me a bow." He says with his hand on his knees, still trying to catch his breathe.

We shot a few birds and took a seat on the rock in which we sat on the day I was reaped into my first Hunger Games.

"It may not be a loaf of bread this time but, I have something for you." Gale says as he stands up in front of me.

He slowly gets down on one knee. "We've been through a lot together, ups and downs, but that has never changed the fact that I love you. I know I've done many wrongs but I've changed, I'm a better person now and I hope you can forgive my mistakes. I also hope you can make me the happiest man in the world. Katniss Everdeen will you marry me?" He asks as he opens a box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

I'm shocked but, I barely gave myself a second to think...

Hope you guys are loving this so far. Wanna know what Katniss says? Better wait for the next chapter to come out. In the meantime you should vote for my chapters and comment your opinions. Enjoy xx

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