Chapter One

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Hi I don't want my full name out there so I'm going to call myself "M." I know that things like their age will not be exact but this is based when they are in high school yet, they will all look pretty much as they do now. This book takes place now, but the boys will be in high school.


Elizabeth's POV

I got off the plane after a eleven hour flight with my mum,Abigal, most people called her Abby though. London, England to Phoenix, Arizona was the trip we just took. I looked around hearing all the American people speaking with their strange accents. We started making our way to customs and security asked us the normal questions.

"Why are you coming into the USA?"

"I'm getting married." My mum responded.

"To whom?" The man asked while glancing at her passport.

"His name is Liam Kirch." She replied.

"What is your relation ship with..." he glanced down at my passport. Then continued "Elizabeth."

"I am her mother." My mum stated.

He continued asking questions that I didn't listen to. My oh so wonderful mother decided to get remarried to a man she has been dating for over two years and drag me across the world. She met Liam while he was away on business in London for six months and from then it was all long distance besides the trips they would take to see each other.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my mother began pulling on the sleeve of my sweater.

"Love, we have to get our bags now." My mom stated with a soft tone.

I followed her to the baggage claim to get the suit cases. Between the two of us there were five bags in total. Everything else was being shipped to Liam's house. We got all five of the bags and began to head to the exit to meet Liam and his son.

I only recently found out that I would have a step brother. I was completely shocked because Liam would be in London for months at a time and never once mentioned a son. His name is Patrick and I have only ever seen photos of him. This would be the first time we were meeting in person.

When we finally got to the meeting area I heard someone yell.

"Abby, Elizabeth, over here!" Someone called.

I saw Liam with what looked like his son. That voice was all it took for my mother to launch into Liam's arms. I awkwardly stood there do to the fact that I was not close with Liam whatsoever. There was also the fact that Liam had never once introduced me to his son.

"Elizabeth this is Patrick. Patrick this is Elizabeth." Liam formally introduced Patrick to me.

He was not as tall as his father he seemed to be around what I'm guessing is 5'8. He was around  three inches taller than me. The only reason I know this is because Liam once told me he was 6'1. Also at school we had to learn the American system of measurements which I still have a difficulty with. Patrick had chocolate brown eyes and brown hair that went a little below his shoulders.

"You two should get along perfectly considering you are in the same grade this year." My mother decided to add in. Then she began to exit the airport with Liam as he had the cart that contained all the luggage. That left Patrick and I.

"Hey I'm Patrick but everyone calls me, Pat." He said in his thick american accent.

"Hello, I'm Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Liz or Beth. Which ever works." I began to ramble.

"I like your accent it's really cool." He said as we began to follow our parents.

"Thanks" I said.

American Candy: John O'Callaghan Where stories live. Discover now