Chapter Two

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Here is Chapter 2 hope you enjoy!

I love this gif of John. He's so amazing.


Elizabeth's POV

I began waking up and coming back to reality. Then I began rubbing my eyes before I fully opened them. Once I gained the strength to fully open my eyes I pressed the home button to my iPhone 6 and saw it was six in the afternoon.

'Bloody Hell' I thought to myself.

I had just realized I had been asleep for ten hours. I got on my phone responding to some of the snapchats my friends from back home sent me. I also texted some of my best friends letting them know I was okay and that I just woke up from a long nap.

As I was looking around my room I noticed that the room was connected to a bathroom. I walked passed the mirror that sits above the vanity in my bathroom and did a double take. My light brown hair was all over the place due to sleep and my blue eyes looked tired even though I just awoke from a ten hour nap.

I suddenly decided to take a shower. I washed myself and my hair feeling much better since I hadn't taken I shower since I was back in London, which was around twenty-four hours ago at this point. When I finished taking a shower I grabbed a towel, that was hanging from the towel rack, and wrapped it around my body holding it in place underneath my arm. Just as I finished securing the towel I remembered I forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom due to the fact that I haven't unpacked yet.

Upon this realization I quickly made my way out of my bathroom and into my room.

I randomly opened one of my suitcases and grabbed a black tang top and matched it with some nike black and white shorts. I then threw on a pair of black socks due to the cold floor.

I then dried my hair with the towel. I went to the stack of boxes in the room and stood in front of the box that read 'Things 4 Vanity' I began unpacking that box due to the fact that I needed my toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, and other everyday necessities.

Once I finished unpacking that box my hair was still damp so I brushed it with one of the numerous hairbrushes I discovered in the box. Then I decided that it would be best if I threw my hair in a messy bun, even though it's wet. After that I decided that I should just unpack all my boxes and suit cases.

Later on the night around eight I had finished unpacking and had one box left. I left my favorite box for last. It was labeled 'Room.' This box consisted of at least a hundred band posters and many photos of things I've done. I began hanging the posters which varied from All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, State Champs and so many other bands.

Once I finished the wall collage of band posters. I took a few framed photos of my best friends and I and began putting them in different areas of the room. A framed photo went on each night stand next to my bed, another went on my desk and I just began putting them places they looked nice.

I finally finished unpacking and was happy with the final product of the room. It almost felt like home. The only thing missing was location and the people I was surrounded with.

I made my way downstairs to get some food and something to drink. I finally navigated my way to the kitchen and heard laughter from the other room. Before I went to investigate I took a bottle of water from the fridge and drank it. Then I followed the noise of laughter and chatter to the living room.

I spotted Pat and two other boys I had never seen before. One of the boys was wearing a leather jacket with a white shirt with black skinny jeans and I could see two tattoos on his collarbones. The other boy was wearing just a plain white tee and dark blue jeans. Once one of the strangers caught my gaze, the one wearing the leather jacket, he stopped laughing and gave me a curious look. Which cause Pat to look in the direction that the boy was looking at and that happened to be me. Once Pat realized it was just me he smiled.

"How was your ten hour nap, sleeping beauty?" Pat asked.

"Fantastic, thanks for asking." Was my immediate reply with a joking smirk, which was all in good spirits.

He smiled back at me

I could just tell that Pat and I would playfully tease each other for the rest of eternity.

"So...who is this?" The boy who caught my eye from before asked.

"This is Elizabeth my to-be sister." Pat said then continued. "Liz this is John O'Callaghan" He said gesturing to the boy who asked who I was "and Kennedy Brock." Pat finished gesturing to the other boy.

"Oh, so this is her..." John said while looking me up and down cheekily. Then it clicked he was checking me out!

Pat must of noticed the way he was looking at me "She's off limits." Was Pat's immediate response while smacking John upside the head.

John rolled his eyes and ignored Pat.

"So beautiful, where is that pretty little accent of your's from?" John asked, well more flirted.

"London. Also could you please refrain from trying to flirt with me, Thanks." I replied with a sarcastic smile.

I could tell the type of boy he was. He was one of those typical bad boys who knows that they are good looking and he would get with any girl that is willing to get with him.

"I like this girl." Kennedy immediately responded. Looking at me with amusement.

"Aw John don't look too down. Just because she's the first girl to turn you down doesn't mean that there aren't other fish in the sea." Pat said being overly dramatic while trying hard not to laugh.

I saw John pouting slightly and I couldn't tell if he was faking the pout or not. I realized I probably severely bruised his ego. But, one thing did surprise me.

"Wait, I'm confused.... I'm the first girl smart enough to turn you down?" I asked utterly surprised that Americans in Arizona would fall for his charm.

Once those words left my mouth Pat and Kennedy bursted out laughing. At one point I thought Kennedy would fall off the couch onto the floor and Pat had to hold onto the back of a chair that was across from the couch John and Kennedy were lounging on.

On the other hand John looked quite annoyed.

It's very obvious that he is a boy who gets around quite often and this is coming from a girl who has known him for about twenty minutes now. I wasn't just judging him either because the way he sat, the way he talked with so much confidence, and the way he not so casually checked me out even though I'm Pat's to-be sister.

"Okay I get it." John said grumpily.

"Liz you are my new best friend" Kennedy said wheezing from his laughter.

"I could not have a better sister to-be." Pat said calming down.

"Yes, you could." John said glaring at the three of us.

"Cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it." I stated sassily.

"Oh, this keeps getting better and better." Kennedy stated with an entertained look on his face.

"I have a feeling things around here are going to get a lot more interesting." Pat stated with a slight smirk looking between John and I.

"They definitely will." John said with a smirk making me curious as to what he was thinking.


Sorry it took so long for me to update!

Let me know what you guys think in the comments.

I hope you liked the chapter.

Until next time


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