Why do you love Jasey?

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We thanked Paul and left the tattoo parlor, on our way to Justin's grandparents house so I can meet his mom. "You'll like her Vee", Justin said, "She's just.. Amazing. Very quiet, unlike us. Compared to her, were fucking pigs, but she deals, she's dealt with me and Alex's ass for our whole childhood. And Alex was a jackass kid, so she's like the fucking Incredible Hulk in a petite woman form".

I chuckled and held onto Jason's arm that was rested on the gear shift. A van with a gear shirt? What the actual fuck.

"Yeah, Pattie is my second mom. Best mom on the freakin planet. And her meals are fucking beast. She's awesome. No one fucking messes with Pattie.. unless you're a no life asshole like Jeremy, no offence bro", Ryan said and Jason shook his head.

"Ehh.. I couldn't care less. Not my problem my fucking father has no balls. He almost as bad as Mike and Tony", Jason said and I shook my head. "At least we know you're father had balls at one point. We can't be too sure with Mike and Tony". Jason and Ryan burst out laughing and I chuckled myself, rubbing up and down Jason's arm.

We pulled up to the familiar house with two little kids running outside, Alex right behind us. Jason jumped out of the van and ran over to Jazzy and Jaxon, joining their little game of tag, him automatically being it.

"Jason Drew! Alexander Kenneth! Come over here and give your mother a hug! Oh my goodness is that Ryan! And Connor! My boys! Come over here. I've miss yous!", a tiny women with brown hair called from the porch, clad in a restaurant apron. All the boys ran over to her and engulfing her in a huge hug.

I slowly walked over after saying hello to Jaxon and Jazzy. "Oh mom, this is the girl I was telling you about on the phone, Vanessa", Jason introduced me while wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

Pattie looked at me for a second before wrapping me in a motherly hug. "Hello dear, I'm Pattie. So nice to met the girl that's got my son so head over heels", I laughed and hugged back, smirking at Jason, who flipped me off from behind his mom's back. "Now go ahead and play with the kids, I know how much you've been waiting".

Jason, Alex, Connor, Ryan, and I spent a good hour or two teaching Jazzy and Jaxon who to play kickball. Thanks to Jason, Jaxon now says 'BS!' every time someone starts a fight, which is every friggin' minute with these boys. After a while, Jazzy gave up and sat on my lap as we watched the boys.

"You love Jasey?", I heard come out of the little girls mouth. Without hesitation I answered. "Very much Jazz". She smiled big, "Jasey loves you. He said so. He even said you make him go crazy when you kiss him". I laughed and hugged her, resting my head on her shoulders.

After a moment of silence Jazzy spoke up, "Why do you love Jasey? He too silly". I smiled and poked her nose, making her giggle. I love little kids. I know, me, a loud girl with a fucking attitude loves kids? Weird. But it works.

"Hmm.. Lets see. Me and Jase have a lot in common. When I first met him I wanted to know about him. Plus me and Jase say a lot of bad words little cuties like you shouldn't say. He's a nice boy and very protective over me, you, Jaxon, Alex and you mommy.. His whole family".

Jazzy looked at me with her head tilted to the side, "Not daddy?". Oh shit.. "Umm.. he loves daddy, just they have funny ways of showing it. But that's something you'll learn more about later on". Jazzy nodded and yawned, leaning more into my chest.

After about an hour more, Jaxon was yelling at Connor over something, throwing a tantrum, so we decided to head in for some lunch. I looked down and Jazzy was asleep on my lap.

Jason came over and smirked at me, "Want me to carry her in?". I smiled and nodded, handing over the little girl to Jason, while kissing his cheek. "What was that for?". I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm not fucking sure, but Jazzy says it makes you go crazy, so I figured I should try it out. "He rolled his eyes and I laughed, " Don't trust little kids, babe".

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