Love, Life, Death...And Blood: Chapter 1 *Rewritten*

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            I woke up this morning to the sound of my alarm clock bleeping at me. Bleep, bleep, bleep. I reached over, slamming my hand on the small desk instead of the button to turn it off. I flinched a little before rolling out of bed, only to hit my head on the wall.

            “Damnit.” I muttered before walking out of my room, almost falling down the stairs. Sighing, I walked into the kitchen, looking for something to grab and eat before heading back up the treacherous stairs. I hate Mondays. I pulled a box of Pop tarts out of the cupboard, and putting them in the toaster. I looked up at the clock, I had enough time to take a quick shower and run to the bus…just like Friday.

            “Lucky again, Ace.” The bus driver said glaring at me lightly.

            “Whatever.” I tossed my bag on the seat before sitting down and glaring at the bus driver again. I know she hates me, but I really don’t care. I pulled out my phone, texting my only friend…well not really. It wasn’t till I got his text back that my mood started to lighten. He said that there was gonna be a new student today at school, he also said she was pretty. I hoped she was.

*          *         *

            Walking into first period, I sat down next to Chris, my best friend. He smiled at me.

            “She’s gorgeous, Ace. You wouldn’t believe how pretty she is.”


            “Hell yeah bro….”

            Our conversation was caught short as we heard the door open and books clattering all over the floor.


            We both looked up. Star struck by the drop dead gorgeous girl that has walked into the classroom. Her black hair, cut short at her shoulders, hid her face. The whole room went silent, everything was blurry except the area around her. I didn’t even hear Chris as I walked up to her, tripping and face planting into her feet.

            I felt her gaze on my neck; I admit I was slightly scared. I looked up at her, her black eyes staring down at me. She reached down touching my face, her hands were so soft.

            “Are you ok?”

            “U-uh yeah, I’m ok.” I jumped up, automatic placing my hand on the back of my neck. Ugh, stupid nervous habits.

            She smiled at me. “You’re kinda cute, what’s your name?”

            “A-ace. My name is Ace,” I smiled weakly. I could tell I was blushing and it was annoying the shit out of me.

            “Nice to meet you Ace.”  She smiled at me. “My name is Ally.” She said.

            “Oh, nice to meet you too…Ally.” Her name lingered on my tongue. I laughed nervously. She looked a little shy too.

            “Well, I should go sit down…”

            “You could come sit with me.”

            Her eyes lit up. “Thanks.” She reached down to get her books.

            “Hey, I got it.” I said picking them up for her. She smiled at me, then followed me to the back of the classroom.

*          *          *

            I walked into the crowded lunchroom. The cliques littering the place like garbage in a city park. A few girls were with Ally, only to leave her. She looked like she was crying. I started to walk over to her, only to be called upon by my friends, and the rest of the football team.

            “Ace, come on bro.”

            I looked up at David, Chris, and couple others from the team

            “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

            “Pffft. We get it Ace. Well, come find us after you get your heart broke kay?” David punched my shoulder, following Chris and the others to our usual table.

            I sat down next to Ally, her face covered with black streaks and tears. Her food left untouched.

            “Are you ok?” I reached out, touching her shoulder. She jumped at my touch.

            “Oh, it’s just you.” her eyes met up with mine for a moment then she looked away.

            “Are you ok Ally?” I asked again.

            “I’m fine,” she said


            She looked up at me again.

            “Yeah I know. I hate being the new kid. It’s not my fault I’m transferred is it?”


            “Try explaining that to the group of girls that decided to tell me otherwise.”

            I looked up at the girls that she was reffering to. I knew who they were, and if they fucked with her again….there will be hell to pay.

            “Look Ally, I got your back. I will personally beat the hell out of every single one of them. Chris has your back to.”


            “Oh, yeah. Derp.” I pointed over to the dark blonde that sat in between the two dark haired males. “That is Chris.”

            “Oh, ok.” Her face lightened up, but not enough for me to be sure she was okay.


            She looked up at me. “Yea?”

            “You’re really pretty, Ally.”

            Her face turned bright red. It was funny.

            “And I think I’m in love with you.”

             The redness it her face disappeared. And replaced itself with shock. “A-A-Ace…I-I-I….”

            “I know. Forget I even said it.” I got up, leaving the lunchroom.

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