Love, Life, Death...And Blood: Chapter 2

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Ally POV:

            The rest of the day was a total blur. I walked to the bus, hiding my face. I had been crying all period. I can’t believe I hurt Ace like that.

            “Hey Ally!” I look up at the dark blonde looking up at me.

            “Hey,” I can’t remember his name and it’s really getting me.

            “Have you seen Ace? I haven’t seen him since lunch…”

            “I’m right here.” Ace walked up to us. His face still red with what I assumed was tears. His black hair draped down his face.

            “Oh, hey bro. You ok?”

            He glared lightly at him then boarded the bus without another word.

            “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” The male punched the wall closest to him, he revealed his bloody wounds, then wiped the blood on his jeans. “Sorry ‘bout that.” He smiled at me politely then boarded the bus.

*          *          *

That night, I couldn’t even finish homework, or eat the rest of the night. I was a living nightmare. I couldn’t sleep either. I tossed and turned for so long, I eventually gave up. I couldn’t stop thinking about Ace. It hurt. And I don’t know why. I didn’t love him did I? I told myself I would never love him. Yet, I’m sitting here crying my eyes out.

            Eventually, I cry myself to sleep. Or I pass out from exhaustion. Either way, the sound of my alarm clock going off makes my head hurt. I haven’t eaten in two days. But I see no point in trying to, knowing it wouldn’t last an hour. I change into my uniform, fumbling with the buttons and the retarded bow. God, I hate the bow. At last, I manage to get dressed, and make it to the bus in time.

            “Good morning, Ally.” The bus driver said smiling at me. I reply with a quick nod then go to sit down, only to meet eyes with Ace. He looked like shit, and I’m sure I did too.

            “Ally! Over here.” The same dark blonde grabbed my arm, pulling me into the seat next to him. He smiled at me. “What’s up? Did you sleep okay?”

            “Uhh, sure.” I said faking a smile.

            “You’re a terrible liar Ally.”

            “I know.” I looked down at my feet.

            “Ace is know that right?”

            “Yeah, I figured he was.”

            “Oh…then what’s wrong?”

            “I hurt him yesterday…”

            “Yeah, he told me. But it wasn’t your fault Ally.”

            “It was.”

            “It wasn’t.” he covered his face with his hand, sighing. “After he lost Alex, he hasn’t been the same.”


            He nodded. “She was Ace’s fiancée. She was amazing…you look so much like her.” He touched my face, his fingers lingering on my lips. His deep brown eyes met mine. “He lost her. He was told that she committed suicide. It’s been so long, he still thinks that she will come back for him.”


            “I know.”

I couldn’t help but start to cry. “I-I never knew. “

“Ally…its ok.”

I looked up, hearing Ace’s voice for the first time in over twenty four hours. His eyes were a dark gray, rather than the rich blue they were the day before. He looked away after meeting my eyes for a moment.

“Ace, I didn’t---“

A couple kids began to scream. I didn’t understand what was going on.


I heard Chris’ voice to late. The bus screeched, slipping on the black ice on the road, and was thrown over the side rail. I was tossed around like a doll, I hit my head on the side of the bus. Leaving a nice bloody mess.


I couldn’t even lift my head enough to look up at Ace. I knew I was bleeding badly. Ace’s eyes were wide, with fear. His breathing quickened and I’m not sure why.


“Ally, don’t die on me.”

“I promise I won’t.” I tried to reach up to touch his face, but my arm wouldn’t respond.

“Ally, don’t close your eyes. Please?”

He touched my face, holding it in his hands. His hands were so warm, I never even noticed. He was getting blurry, fading in and out of my vision. My eyes started to close, and I heard Ace starting to cry. My body was lifted, and I was drowned in a sea of light and sound. People all around me were crying, screaming, trying to find their kids, their best friends. There were so many sirens and lights. Medics and police officers were everywhere I looked. But I didn’t care, I just kept looking into Ace’s eyes. I don’t remember closing mine, but I think I did. Because all I remember is Ace screaming my name over and over again.

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