Love, Life, Death...And Blood: Chapter 6

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            She asked me if I was a vampire….I can’t over the thought that she asked me. I admit, I was shocked, and I was scared to tell her. I don’t want to.

*          *          *


            SJM POV

“SJM, get in here now.”

I rolled off my bed, trying to ignore her constant lecture.

“What do you want Heart?”

“We have a mission today.”

“We do?”

“Yes, we are heading out in an hour. Let’s go.”

“Fuck, why do I have to do this?” I muttered after she left. I pulled out the picture of that girl out of my pocket. She was so pretty; I wish she knew how much I loved her.

“SJM LET’S GO!!!!!!!”

I put her picture away, changing into my clothes and heading down the stairs. Heart, is my…sensei almost. My trainer really. She hates my laziness. Even though I’m stronger than her, I think that’s why she holds a grudge against me…

Either way, we end up taking the truck into a wooded area, it was dark, quiet… and kinda creepy.

“Heart…I don’t like this.”

“What do you mean?”

“Stay here.” I exited the car, taking my holy revolver with me. I didn’t go anywhere without it.

I soon met up with a vampire, his blood red eyes staring back at me. His fangs were revealed by his curled back lips. He growled at me, taking a step forward. But he didn’t dare come any closer. I walked up to him a little closer. He started to run, then paused. Watching me closely.

“Well, hello there.” He growled.


He smiled at me, stepping closer. My hand stayed on my gun, but my hands went up to his throat.

“Stay away from me.” I ripped his head off, snapping his neck.

His body shattered beneath my hands, turning into ashes and disappearing.

“SJM, are u CRAZY???”

Heart walked over to me, hands on her hips.

“I’m sorry ok?”

She rolled her eyes, walking away. I thought the fun was over, and I got pissed. But I turned only to meet up with an army of vampires.

“SJM!!!!!!!” I heard Heart’s panicked voice.

“LET HER GO YOU BLOOD SUCKING DEMONS!” they all looked at me, fangs bared.

I pulled out my gun, shooting a couple of them. But it seemed as if they were immune to the weapon. Pulling at my sword, I tried to slash my way through the mess, only to be stopped short, and attacked by flying fists and a pair of fangs, I felt the blood dripping down my shoulder, but I didn’t’ care. I needed to save her. I was attacked again, this time I was sent to the ground. I had no strength left to get up and continue to fight. I suddenly remember that girl. My girl. I stand, stumbling at first, only to be relieved that the rest of the beasts were scared off.

I found Heart lying on the ground, half dead. She looked up at me. Groaning in pain.

“Am I dead yet?” she asked

“No, you won’t die either. I started bandaging her up. Trying to remember any healing spells or anything from my training.

“Thank you SMJ.”

“No problem.” I smiled at her weakly.

“Hello, what are you doing on my land?”

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