Love, Life, Death...And Blood: Chapter 8

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Authors Note: This Chapter  Contains Sexual Content, So Read And Don't Get Mad At Me, Thanks For Reading And Enjoy ^-^


“Ally? Can I speak to you for a moment love?” Ace asked as we walked into his mansion.

            “What’s up Ace?” I asked.

            His face was stern, his eyes an icy blue. I admit I was scared to know what he was going to say to me. But, I also admit I was turned on by the way he looked at me.

            “I want you to stay away from the guy you saw today. He’s a hunter.”

            “A hunter?”

            “Yes, he will kill me if he’s able to. He might kill you as well if it means he can get to me faster.”

            “No! He would never do that to me, not after he saved my life so long ago.”

            “Ally, you don’t understand. It’s all a game. He doesn’t love you and he never will. Saving you that night was just a mission from his master. That’s all that was. He probably would’ve left you dead if it didn’t mean get beaten with sticks.”

            “YOU’RE LYING TO ME!”


            “AND YOU DO?”

            His eyes went blank. “Do you think otherwise?”

            “Yes. I do.”

            “I love you Ally. Why do you not believe me?”

            “I-I-I-I don’t know.” tears started falling down my face.

            “Don’t cry Ally. It’s ok.”

I felt his warm embrace around me. I knew he loved me, I was sure he did. But I feared the worst when I looked into his eyes. They were distracted, scared even. I didn’t’ know what to think. I felt his warm tears on my cheek.

“Why are you crying love?”

“Because, I think I’m losing you Ally. I can’t lose you like I lost Alex. I couldn’t live like that.” He took my hands, looking into my eyes. “Chris loves you too. You have three lovesick fanboys Ally. What are you going to do? You have me, Chris…and that hunter.” He said that with disgust. Like he hated the thought that I would choose them over him.

“I would never not love you. Do you understand?”


He laid his head on my shoulder, slipping his hands up my shirt.



I shivered at his touch. He looked startled at first.

“Are you going to be ok with this?”

“Yes. I will.”

His fingers lingered at the hooks to my bra, then moved away from there. Instead, he used his shaking fingers to unbutton my jeans. I shook them off. Ignoring the butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t believe how bad I wanted this. He moved to my shirt, unbuttoning the buttons slowly.

“I love you Ally. Wow…your body is amazing.”

My clothes were laying in the floor, I was standing in front of him in a bra and panties. I looked up at him with innocent eyes, then he looked down at himself. Fully dressed.

He started laughing then moved my hands for me. Undoing the button on his jeans.

“Ally, please. Please do this with me.” He said shaking off his jeans. His eyes met mine, he looked nervous.

“How could I say no?”

My hands were shaking so bad. He pulled off his t-shirt, licking his lips. I looked at him confused.

“Sorry, I do that a lot.” He said with a nervous grin.

“It’s ok.”

I laid my hands on his chest. He picked me up bridal style and carried me into his room. The rich deep scent of him filled my nose. Sending my head spinning. I couldn’t even breathe. He tossed me on the bed lightly. He peeled off my bra and panties, kissing my neck and chest.

“Mmm.” He moaned.

He pulled off his boxers, tossing them aside. He spread my legs, thrusting gently. Careful not to hurt me. But I admit I was scared. I swear I saw fangs within his lips.


He thrust harder, the pain was so terrible yet amazing. I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck. I kissed his lips gently, just enough so he would join the kiss. He paused to breathe. He looked at me, his blue eyes soft.

“You ok Ally?”

“Yes.” My voice was a whisper.

He let go of me, letting me fall into the sheets.

“I hurt you didn’t I?” he asked.

I shook my head violently. He didn’t at all really. But he didn’t seem to buy it.

“Where does it hurt love? I’ll kiss you till it’s better.”

He started on my forehead, kissing me all over. He slowed down a little when he reached my breasts.

“May I?” he asked.

I nodded and he stared kissing me again. His lips tender and soft against my flesh. I moaned happily as he touched me with his fingertips. Running his fingers over my stomach and down my legs, skipping parts that I didn’t understand why he skipped.



“Fuck me again. Please?”


“Please? I’m begging you to fuck me again.”

“Not tonight love, you’re gonna pass out halfway through from exhaustion.”

He laid down beside me, tossing the blanket lazily over us, he clasped his arms around me, holding me close.

“I love you.” he whispered in my ear.

“I love you too.” I rolled over so I could kiss him again.

His lips met mine before I got the chance to begin. I joined the kiss, kissing him lovingly. He licked my lips. Which I found kinda odd but I was so absorbed by the moment to notice really. He paused, looking into my eyes.

“You should get some sleep.” He said. He started humming softly, just enough that I could hear him.

“No, I don’t want to.” I said stubbornly.

“Yes you do love.” He kissed my neck, as if he wanted to savor its taste.

“I love you.” I murmured sleepily.

“I love you too Ally.”

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