Chapter 16―Detours

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        In reality Eliza and Marston were standing in the same spot. Colin had fallen down only one landing and as he hit the bottom his friends heard a scream. Not from below, but from above them. Directly above them. Eliza looked in alarm at Marston. She motioned to the door a few feet away. Marston nodded and grabbed her hand. Together, they dashed away from danger—or so they thought.

A few minutes later, Colin passed by the spot Eliza and Marston were just standing in. Deppson drifted up the stairs silently, looking for any disruption.
        "Quietly now, me boy. There're things on this ship in which any scallywag could get themselves in trouble with. Ye be warned," said Deppson mysteriously.
        "Right, are we almost there? What's our plan?" Colin inquired worriedly. "Do we have a plan?"
        "Now don't be questioning the works of someone so perspicacious as me!" Deppson whispered. "I know and am well aware of what I do!"
        "Sorry. . .I wasn't sure—I just—" Colin began.
        "Aye. It's alright. Let's continue on our way. Much peril lies before us. Before you. You have your own journey," said Deppson, setting up the next flight. Every so often on each flight of stairs he would emit a sound that was almost indescribable. It sounded abnormal like the buzzing lamps made when they had been left on too long.
        "What do you mean?" Colin asked. "I have a dangerous journey? What does that mean?"
        "You'll see," said Deppson. Ahead they saw the trapdoor.
        "What? We're going up there? But the crew is up there! People who want us dead!" Colin whispered loudly. Suddenly he realized what he had said—it was considered rude to speak of a ghost's death. "I'm. . .I'm sorry. I forgot."
        "'Tis okay. I know I'm dead, there's reason to pretend otherwise," mumbled Deppson sadly.
        He motioned for Colin to push open the trapdoor. With as much courage as he could muster—he seemed to be doing that a lot lately—he shoved up on the door. It released and fell open. Light from the windows streamed down into the opening. It showed mosses and other wet and slimy things that grew on the walls.
        Colin lifted himself out and stood up. Everything was eerily quiet. No shouts or yells from the crewmen could be heard.
        "What do you think happened? Could we go outside?" asked Colin. He started towards the door with his arm outstretched.
        "Are you an idiot? Don't take another step!" Deppson said as loudly as he dared.
        "I'm sorry. But how are we going to stop the Captain? I'm a twelve year old boy and, I'm sorry, but you're kind of transparent. . .we have no backup." Colin moved back to the center of the room.
        "Don't dither on those things that decrease our chance of not defeating the enemy! Ye be positive! Aye, we are not strong, but I know things about this ship the current Captain does not." Deppson exclaimed proudly. "And as for, what is it, backup? Ye know nothin'."
        Deppson lifted his arms, making the same odd sound he had made before. But this time something did happen. From the floor rose at least twenty ghosts. They all had weapons—although Colin couldn't see what these could do. Previous crew members, captains, and other indiscriminate individuals.
        "Right but what are we going to do about it?" inquired Colin. He looked around doubtfully at the ghosts. "They're also. . ."
        "Yes?" hissed one of the captains near Colin.
        "TRANSPARENT!? Transparent? What are you? Who are you to say something like—like. . . Do you dare?" The ghost screamed.
        "Fletcher, please. Shut your bloody mouth!" whispered Deppson furiously.
        But suddenly they realized there was noise outside the cabin. An unsettling chant had begun. It rumbled through the room, seeming to shake Colin to his core. He could hear his heart pounding and his ears throbbing so much it hurt. The pain grew and Colin fell to the floor, clutching his head. Colin though his head was going to explode―he couldn't take it. Abruptly,  the chanting stopped and a clear voice rang out over the newfound silence.
        "Deppson, you have forgotten your Ghosthood Debt. For one Captain cannot command while another plans against. You shall pay dearly!"
        It was the Captain. Colin stood up carefully, one hand still on his head. He looked over at Deppson, who had a look of pure terror on his face.
        "No! No! You can't!" Deppson screamed. He turned to Colin and looked down at him. "The spell. He's performing it―I can't stop him. You'll have to go on by yourself. You can, he doesn't know you're here. The Captain."
        The Captain's voice rang out again, this time louder and sharper:

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