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ᴘʀᴇᴘᴀʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴇᴇʟ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴇᴇʟs

The early morning sky is a beautiful shade of blue that matches perfectly with the uplifting atmosphere of the day. Everything seems dazzling in the moment, and the usual boring scenery somehow suddenly oddly stunning.

Warm light casts down through the green leaves of the trees, illuminating the quaint town and casting interesting shadows on the beaten sidewalk below.

Taehyung walks happily down the empty street, smile nearly as bright as the blazing sun above. His arms hug carefully around a loudly decorated pink package that bounces slightly with each excited step he takes.

He looks down at it with a hopeful smile, slowing his pace to make sure the fragile gift inside stays in tact. After all the relentless hours of effort, he is determined to keep his present in perfect condition.

This plan had taken hundreds of tries to get right.

High piles of scratched out ideas, loud frustrated sighs of discontentment and annoyed fits of short-lasting depression. His whole Sunday afternoon had been spent on creating this, and yet somehow even after all the struggling, he can't keep the ecstatic smile off his face.

Today he is most definitely going to confess to Jeon Jungkook.

Though it had taken hours to come up with, the plan was actually quite simple. He had spent what felt like an entire night baking batch after batch of hand-made sugar cookies. Each one that had been imperfect in some way, had been tossed aside with little to no thought and he was certain that he had eaten way too many scrap cookies for his own good.

The ones he carries with him now are the absolute best of the batch. They sit cleanly cut in flawless hearts, that are decorated to the upmost perfection. Each one is different, individually frosted in cute and original designs ranging from bright polka dots to warmly colored flowers.

Though the most important thing are the words neatly written across each one in deliciously tempting chocolate frosting. Every cookie is marked with a different word or phrase, each one dictating a reason why he likes Jungkook.

The idea had been a mesh of both his own and his mother's and he is grateful that she had been so supportive of his newly developed crush.

He reaches the entrance of the school fairly quick, and he continues merrily on his way to class. Finding Jungkook in the morning wouldn't be that much of a task, and he diverts his direction towards the freshman classrooms.

He reaches to open the downstairs door, and takes a careful step forward before heading inside. The sight is familiar, rusted lockers, chipped tiles and oddly dim lighting. The freshman side of the school seems a bit more unkempt than that of the older students and silent Taehyung begins to wonder why.

Roughly he is snapped out of the thought as a black converse is suddenly shoved into his path, causing him to fall forward into the cold floor. He lands with a small whimper of pain, head throbbing from the impact. It's then when he realizes his hands are now vacant and he looks up in complete horror at the mess in front of him.

Crushed cookie pieces decorate the grey tile, the box they had been in minutes before resting sadly a few feet away. Even from his position he can make out the tiny broken words: Your smile, Your hugs, Your Laugh... They almost seem meaningless now, nothing more than forgotten phrases.

Pastel x Bad Boy ∣ ᴠᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now