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Taehyung lets out a pained sigh, head buried deeply into a very fluffy pillow and tired eyes inflamed and puffy from crying. Slowly, he reaches towards them with a shaking hand and rubs at the swollen skin until he finally starts to feel a bit better.

He's exhausted from head to toe, body aching and tense from kneeling for so long. His chest feels heavy as well, the tight feeling bringing an unexpected weight to his already weak body.

It takes him a bit to return to his senses, the cruelty of his failed confession still ringing freshly in his head. It replays on a loop; The obnoxious laughter, the hateful glares and the harsh words of insult. He can't get it out of his head as it continues on, destroying him over and over again.

He feels a hand on his back, the person at the end of it rubbing gentle circles in an attempt to soothe him. It allows him to relax once again, and finally he lifts himself from the comforting material and turns himself to greet the welcoming eyes of someone he is honestly so relieved to see.

Jin flashes him a warm smile, brown hair ruffled slightly to the side and expression truly loving. It somehow brings strength back into the younger and he gives a weak smile in return before turning himself over fully into his back.

"Hey Jin," He mumbles out, voice shaky and breathing completely off balance.

It's the same feeling he always has after going through a tough situation. It's something his mother has reminded him many times to be called a panic attack. He hates that they leave him feeling so helpless and he takes a steadying inhale to try and remove the terrible feeling.

Jin seems to catch onto this and immediately begins guiding Taehyung through a series of breathing exercises that return him to an almost normal state.

Things seem to return to focus and the shaky teen takes a look around, barely even able to remember how he had ended up in the nurses office. He looks to Jin for help and the older nods in silent understanding.

"That orange haired kid dropped you off here, I think his name is Jimin?" He taps his lip in thought before continuing, "Anyway, he seemed very concerned about you. You should definitely let him know you're okay later."

Taehyung only nods, still a bit too shaken to vocally respond. He doesn't know much about Jimin, only that he's a sophomore as well and has a talent in dancing. It's a well known fact about him that keeps him being picked on too often, but still attracts the occasional rude slur.

Jin lets out a soft sigh and gives a quick ruffle to Taehyung's unkempt hair. He watches the younger carefully, observing how distant his eyes look and how faded and dull he seems. It's a stark difference from how he normally looks; Alive, vibrant and warm, all words that would be used to Taehyung now suddenly replaced with ones like dark, gloomy and cold.

"Jin, I think I'm just going to head home."

Taehyung sits up abruptly, not even responding to Jin's caring touch, his eyes remain focused on nothing and his expression stays completely lifeless.

He's out of the room with a quick and meaningless goodbye, head down and arms hugged tightly to himself. All he wants to do is finally get back to his room and hide himself away; to just finally escape from what has been undeniably, one of the worst days of his life.


The second he reaches home, Taehyung lets out a sigh of relief, dark expression faltering as he rushes upstairs to his room and throws himself down onto the waiting comfort of his bed.

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