Chapter 2: The Darkness Grows

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Twilight rushes to get her friends together and heads to her house. They all say that they say the darkness as well, AppleJack was busy working on getting the apples from the trees when she saw a dark area and wondered what it could be. Rainbow Dash was flying right above it but all she saw was black smoke. Rarity was just walking back from Canterlot and she was scared it was gonna eat her as she says that could've been the worse thing ever and flops onto her couch. Then we hear a knock on the door and we see three newcomers who introduce themselves as Alex, Night moon, and Red Bell. Red Bell has a Red Bell Cutie Mark as he explains that he got it after making music with bells. Red Bell is also shown as the second tallest at 5'7 NightMoon explains that her Cutie Mark was gotten after she helped Luna raise the moon and is shown as the tallest at 6'0, and Alex has no cutie mark yet as he is still a filly. They are invited inside and asked what they say. They explain that it was black smoke by something over the hills all they know for sure is it said BEWARE. NightMoon says these two were frightened as most of the city was too. I told them that we had to get to you guys and we did. Twilight responds "At least you are here and giving us information now. We need to find more information. Let's go check it out Everypony." Spike and Alex are scared as they hug each other. Alex responds "Where the Smoke is?" Spike says "Didn't you hear it say Beware?" Twilight says "Yes but more information is needed besides we will be fine." and packs up ready to go.

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