Recognizition and Thanks from the author

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This is just a thank you part of my story to everyone who has read the story and everyone who got me into this great show. Thanks to all of the MLP Fandom for being such an amazing Fandom. Thanks to Hasbro for the amazing show: My Little Pony: FIM and getting me the inspiration to write this story. Thank you to (On Google +) Serenity Longtail for getting me into this show in the first place, you really made me get into a amazing show and I can't thank you enough. Thank you to DrawnCandy for making a Video of my story. Thank you to all the voice actors in the video soon to be released hopefully. And last but not least, Thank all of you guys for reading, there maybe more in the future. In final words in the words of Pinkie Pie about more stories and if we will see them, Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in My eye. I promise all of you once Season Six returns, another story will come soon after. Thanks again for enjoying and that's all I got to say.

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